In the second ballot, was the 41-year-old Canton parliamentarian, Rosalie Siess as the successor of Charles Juillard (CVP) Beuret elected to the Executive. With a turnout of 39 percent Siess made Beuret the race with a 10’486 votes. On the CVP-candidate Anne Seydoux-Christe 8491 votes. In third place is Romain Schaer ended up of the SVP with 3379 votes.

thanks to the choice of the Canton, a member of Parliament and mayor of Porrentruy, Rosalie Siess Beuret, the social Democrats two seats in the five-member Executive of the youngest Swiss Canton. 2015 the SP had lost her second mandate of the CSP, the independent Christian social.

for the First time only a CVP-seat

For the CVP is the Non-election of the 61-year-old former Councillor Anne Seydoux-Christe a painful defeat. For the first time since the inception of the Canton of Jura by internal strife stricken Christian to have Democrats in the government, only a single seat. Had their best times of the CVP provided three Ministers.

the liberals, who had submitted for the first round, no choice, recommendation supported, the CVP in the second ballot. The SVP began, however, despite the low chances of once again. The CVP-wife was to the left. In addition, the SVP was angry at the CVP, because they failed their cooperation for the General elections.

Only until October

choice winner Rosalie elected Beuret Siess has its government seat, however, for an entire legislative session to secure. Because soon, the SP-Ms. the re-election.

Because in the 18. October, held in the Canton of Jura General elections. Only then will be decided on the final composition of the government in the next five years. Currently, the SP two seats, the CVP, FDP and CSP have ever occupied.

Necessary, the replacement choice was, because CVP-councillor Charles Juillard was elected last fall in the Council of States. Because the Jura prohibits the North Canton Constitution, dual mandates, he had to leave his Post as Finance Minister after twelve years. (Dec/sda)

Created: 01.03.2020, 14:25 PM