interval fasting is considered to be a simple way to lose weight. But not only the Kilos to tumble, but also other diseases can be prevented such as Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The best the brain will benefit, and, in General, the age processes should be stopped and the life is extended.

interval fasting means that on certain days per week or in a month, the calorie intake drastically to reduce or eliminate day-to-day for several hours completely on food.

The idea behind this is that the metabolism surrounded in the nearly times. For many years, however, was propagated, resistant to take in food, to eat three meals a day and maybe even a mid-morning snack, and afternoon snack between meals. The metabolism however does not come to rest, the sugar level and the Insulin are always too high, the glycogen stores are emptied, the fat burning comes too little use of, and fat accumulates first in the liver, then to the hips.

What exactly is for the positive effects of responsible?

all of This is to be avoided thanks to a interval of fasting. As promising as the temporary food waiver is praised recently, Rafael de Cabo, and Mark Mattson of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, in a review article in the “New England Journal of Medicine”.

The nutritional epidemiologist Tilman Kühn from the German cancer research centre in Heidelberg (Deutsches krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) is the representation does not quite agree and has initiated a discussion on the interval fast approached. Bothers him: “In the review article, numerous research are not mentioned, results in a simple and those that compare the interval fasting with conventional diets.”

Many of these studies showed that diets with continuous calories resulted in a reduction of the same desired effects as the interval fasting. Including also an examination of the DKFZ is. “Our study, however, is only one of several,” says Kühn. The interval is fasting so overrated?

As a further cellular effects of interval fasting, the U.S. researchers no include the repair of the genetic material or suppression of inflammatory reactions

find de Cabo, and Mattson. The US-scientists explain in their publication, what’s going on in the body of the people, the daily take a few calories or hours of complete fasting. Since the conversion of the metabolism, first of all, If the sugar is reduced as fuel is used the body fat and releases this so-called ketone body. These ketone bodies serve not only as a source of energy, but also the production of substances that play a role in the health and aging processes, the researchers write.

The ketone body is stimulated, for example, processes in the brain could protect cells, it means more. These mechanisms have been tested only in animal experiments. Whether in fact, by intermittent fasting brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s could be prevented, is not yet explored.

As a further cellular effects of interval fasting, the U.S. researchers include the repair of the genetic material or suppression of inflammatory reactions. These positive processes are, however, in the case of supersaturated persons with predominantly sedentary way of life is limited.

The question now is whether these cellular processes, are initiated by the metabolic conversion are due to the fasting or simply on weight loss. And there are the opinions of the U.S. researchers and Tilman Kühn and his colleagues apart. De Cabo and Mattson are convinced: “interval fasting seems to be better for health than a traditional calorie reduction diet,” they write.

Already a few pounds less health

The resist to improve Boldly speaks. He and his Team of 150 obese people in a long-term study was investigated. Half of the participants followed to 24 weeks of a diet with a day are 20 percent less calories than normal, and the other half refused to two days per week, to 25 percent of calories, and practiced so the 5:2 interval fasting. At the beginning of the fast group took off faster at the end of test after 50 weeks of weight loss, however, was almost the same. Different tested biomarkers in the two groups are very similar. The conclusion: The interval fasting with the 5:2 method of the conventional diet was not superior.

Bold is generally fascinated by the observed decrease in process: “It was incredible how quickly the participants fat lost.” Amazing is that the weight loss was only an average of five percent, the dangerous belly fat of the volunteer, however, a 20% decrease, and the fat in the liver by more than 30 percent.

It is believed that the effect of the interval is fasting reinforced, when the decline in willing to take into account the natural daily rhythm.

Other researchers came to similar results, for example Doctors from Oslo, which surveyed more than 100 volunteers after Removing the blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of cardiovascular assess the disease. The result: Both 5:2-end almost as well as in subjects with the conventional diet, the blood pressure changed, and the cholesterol values are equally positive.

US scientists from Chicago confirmed in a comparative long-term studies that the group with the standard diet was on par with the interval fast group. And Australian researchers showed that diabetics were able to reduce the Decrease in the blood sugar level significantly. It didn’t matter whether they lost by 5:2 interval fasting weight or by a conventional low-calorie diet. The method of how to lose weight is, therefore, irrelevant?

no, says Andreas Michalsen from the Immanuel hospital and Charité in Berlin. Previous studies on interval fasting have mainly studied the method of 5:2. The expert for the interval is fast but the Conviction that the almost total renunciation of food on two days per week “was simply not practicable”. “This is the method I recommend, in the meantime, too,” he says. We would add that fasting is also the rhythm of the day play a role. The physician suspected that the effect of the interval is fasting reinforced, when the decline in willing to take into account the natural daily rhythm.

side effects are to worry about hardly

“On the daily 16:8 is, therefore, interval fasting, or even the shorter 14:10 variant,” says Michalsen. To this method, however, so many studies. Smaller studies 16:8-are interval fasting but promising. A has shown, for example, that test decreases, more people, if you wegliessen the meal in the evening instead of the Morning.

conclusion: Ultimately, a few are gone already gehungerte Kilos good for health. Anyone who wants to lose weight should choose a proper diet. “The interval fasting, which can be several hours practiced, is a simple method that is well-kept,” says Michalsen, which has encouraged many patients. “The method also has no side effects.”

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Created: 28.02.2020, at 23:25