With the growing environmental awareness of car buyers face, and -buyer is increasingly the question of environmental friendliness. Answers now offers a study of the Paul Scherrer Institute.

Before the first kilometres of electric cars cut in terms of carbon footprint is still worse than other vehicles. The more you drive, however, the better this balance is. Reason for this is that the production of the battery for electric cars caused a relatively high number of emissions. The operation with electricity from renewable sources makes this initial disadvantage is more than offset, shows a study by the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), of the Institute in his magazine reports.

on behalf of the Swiss Federal office of energy Brian Cox and Christian Bauer from the PSI operated a large-scale Research to determine the carbon footprint of the various drives during the entire life cycle of passenger cars. In addition, they dared to make a prognosis of Future developments, which drives up to the year 2040 to prove.

E-cars be worth today

In the total carbon footprint, from the production of the vehicle and its components and operation to disposal, cut the battery-electric drive, therefore, was the best. This is true, due to the current Swiss electricity mix, consisting primarily of hydroelectric and nuclear power, already today, wrote the PSI.

The second place in terms of climate balance in the fuel cell, provided that certain conditions are met. In this drive the current for the operation of the electric motor from the electrical outlet, but from a reaction of hydrogen with oxygen to form water with release of energy.

Central is, however, how the hydrogen is produced, fuel-cell vehicles to be refueled. It is produced by splitting water using solar power, is the very climate is favorable. Slightly worse, this drive performs well with the current Swiss electricity mix. Completely, the good balance will be ruined, if the hydrogen is produced from natural gas.

SNG only recommended due to

natural gas powered cars cut similar to diesel vehicles. A drive with Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG), an artificial replacement for natural gas, might be worth someday, in the future, when large quantities of surplus electricity from renewable sources.

This Gas has the advantage that it can be very easy and inexpensive to store, and then is available, if less green electricity is produced, for example, in the Winter. However, natural gas cars, go with SNG, five consume up to six times as much electricity as electric cars, such as Bauer gave in the magazine article.

Crucial to the climate balance of the various drives, such as the European electricity network of the future look like, was it more. If it is rapidly converted to renewable energy sources, could trump the alternative drives really. (aru/sda)

Created: 04.02.2020, 17:15 PM