What had been ridiculed Pete Buttigieg, when he started in April last year, his candidacy for the office of President of the United States of America. Already his surname Buttigieg. Week of jokes were made, as this will now be pronounced correctly.

Then his age, now 38 years old. Buttigieg sent to the youngest President of US history. What a presumption. Or be out of a Job. Until the beginning of the year he was mayor of the 100’000 inhabitants of the city of South Bend, Indiana. You have treated him as a village headman who does not know his limits. And that he looks like a school nerd, well, Yes.

homosexuality is still considered as a mortal sin

Buttigieg has not be deterred, he continued. He has risen in polls in. He won in Iowa, the code just. He landed in New Hampshire on place two behind Bernie Sanders. He has made his candidacy a movement. After disappointing results in Nevada and South Carolina he has a result on Sunday his candidacy really ended.

Video Buttigieg draws candidacy back “I’ve been thinking about what I could do to make myself useful,” Pete Buttigieg on Sunday. Video: Tamedia

That alone everything is already quite impressive. But Buttigieg has accomplished much more than to come amazingly far. He has written history: Buttigieg is the first openly gay presidential candidate who has ever won a code, and what is more, the could win delegates ‘ votes. He has embraced on national television on the open stage, his man quite often and kissed and hug as the other Candidates in the race, their spouses and kiss. He has set a sign of normality in a country where in many areas, homosexuality is still considered as a mortal sin.

Who does not hold the note value that is not familiar with the conditions in the United States. In Iowa, where Buttigieg won, the country’s constitutional court in 2009, the gay marriage declared legal. Three of the seven judges who were involved in the decision, but were elected in the following year, after a smear campaign of right-wing groups out of the office. In 28 States it is still allowed to dismiss people who are committed to their LGBTQ identity.

Not to forget: With Mike Pence, a man is a Vice-President who has brought as Governor of Indiana homophobic laws on the way. On Sunday of last week, Pence has participated in a from the White house live-streamed worship service, the Pastor homosexuality as the result of a “demonic spirit” has been demonized.

It is so far from normal that a gay man is so far in the Vorentscheiden to a US presidential election. Thanks to Buttigieg it is no longer entirely inconceivable that one day a gay man or a lesbian woman behind the presidential Desk in the Oval Office place.

Buttigieg had to be Coming Out until 2015. He was a soldier and had concern that he may have buried his political ambitions, if he’s outed. Others were sure brave, have formerly known. And not only, as the majority of society stand behind them. To but as with a man married man in the fire of a presidential candidacy, is worthy of respect. He has made the Best of it. For themselves. And for the country.

Created: 02.03.2020, 09:39 PM