In the great Cathedral towers is Harald Naegeli to spray with the consent of the authorities of his now recognized stick figures. Very close but it’s to be or not to Be by the far the largest surviving character ensembles Naegelis in the public space – at least in Switzerland.

However, it is surprisingly little known. In the underground garage of the ETH main building well over forty Naegeli cavort namely-stick figure: a good thirty in the second, more than ten in the first basement.

Special Ensemble: cars and art . Images: Andrea payer

This setting hall must be repaired, and static be improved. The start of construction is scheduled for spring 2021. What happens then with these Naegelis?

and locked

they emerged are Caught, probably in the late 1970s, as the then-anonymous Sprayer of Zurich in the University district was extremely active. The airy Graffito of the water spirit Undine was created in 1978 on the North façade of the physics building of the University (beautiful mountain Gasse 9, today Deutsches Seminar).

Shortly thereafter, Naegeli was caught in the act and sentenced to nine months ‘ imprisonment and a heavy fine. He fled to Germany, but was delivered in 1984 to Switzerland, where he legend spread about his punishment.

Here it is: Brisk transport service.

the figures in the ETH-garage find hardly ever mention, not only surprised, in view of the Abundance, but also because of their quality. You show a prototype, what Naegeli, at the time, the drive – and how he responded to it.

With his characters, he accused the verb Toni and monotony of the city landscape, but not in dismay, but with airy, cunning creatures that seem to spontaneously react to the Situation on the ground. A garage was for Naegeli, a creative Playground, located on the Hand.

Inhospitable environment: fish on the run.

As there are characters on two wheels, balancing on the wall whiz, those trying to stop seemingly in a panic, a car before it smashes into the wall. A figure is in addition to polite all the way, another seems to solve a Parking ticket.

the signpost: Here it goes out.

a tight, holds the one-way sign, a fish escapes from the hostile environment. There is also a small Skull looking at you. There is a garage in which to smile so often – and at the same time so thoughtful it is.

dance: Together we are stronger.

But, of course, is and remains a garage. The ETH Zurich is, however, of the importance of this plant group. Bianca Gasser of the real estate Department, says: “The Commission of art in the construction of the ETH Zurich considers it important to receive the plants as completely as possible.” Appropriate investigations, how best this can be implemented, be in the Moment, in the hallway. “Further findings are to be expected in the next few weeks.”

Created: 28.02.2020, 18:38 PM