There are turbulent, Yes, chaotic times. The Coronavirus is from the forward gallops, and all try to somehow, with thoughts and actions comply with it. There is not, it is understandable that the Swiss ice hockey clubs found on Monday morning, the patent recipe in order to take stricter security measures and to satisfy at the same time, the Lust for ice hockey . The Playoff Start was for the time being until the 17th century. March moved to ten days. This was to be expected. Then you know at least, whether the Federal Council extended the ban on events for over 1000 spectators, tightened or lifted.

mind games are torture for all of us – for the Fans, the players, the club funds.

The decision is the right one. To push without the Need of further mind games, makes no sense. They are a pain for everyone – for the Fans, the players, the club funds. This is the lowest common denominator, the Clubs have agreed. “We’re all in the same boat,” said Denis Vaucher, the Director of the two leagues. But in which direction this boat is to be controlled, does not seem to be the Clubs to know. After their Meeting, their representatives, scattered in all directions, without the journalists on the ground Red and the answer, as was promised by the League. Some, shaking his head.

The Meeting would have been a Chance

Vaucher could be also known only the fact that the Playoff was moved to the Start. All of the other open questions, to which sports thirsts interested, he could not answer. There is a master? When does it ever play and still make sense? Best of 3 is for a Playoff, is still acceptable? What if someone should plug in a Team? Such questions could be answer, if you know what is a specific thing.

In this Meeting for the Clubs would have the Chance to create a specific “emergency plan” what is relates to the Sporty. You seem to hope, that in mid-March, the life in Switzerland again takes the usual course. It is a naive hope. You seem to be speculating that the pressure of the economy is so large that the Federal Council revokes its measures again. It will be interesting to beboachten to what will be the role of UPC, which shall pay annually to 35 million Swiss francs for the TV rights. It will insist on a “Ghost-Playoff” to be able to hockey to show? Or it is cutting its services to the Clubs massive? Vaucher is in high demand at the negotiating table.

it will be Interesting to beboachten to what will be the role of UPC, which shall pay annually to 35 million Swiss francs for the TV rights.

The Swiss ice hockey suffers – and with it, his Fans. The Clubs are required, their solidarity is put to the test. You must work together to find ways. You can do this, you have not proven yet. So far they don’t seem to know what you want.

icebreaker – Hockey Podcast by Tamedia

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Created: 02.03.2020, 15:23 PM