winter sports enthusiasts to sigh in the afternoon, shortly before 16 o’clock, when they whip out their cell phones. Via SMS you will receive the message: “The Engadine-marathon week has to be cancelled. Reason: Coronavirus.” That says it all.

Menduri Kasper, the head of the Marathon, is in focus. “This is a very sad Situation for us,” he says. For him, the cancellation of the Marathon, women came and not night run but not completely surprising. “We were in constant contact with the Canton. And then also the two cases in the Engadine were known, it was clear what would happen.”

It is in the 52-year history of the largest winter sporting event in Switzerland, only the second cancellation. In 1991, it was to warm, the lakes are not frozen. Kasper will now have to live with the sponsors about their contributions to negotiate, because it is not the assured presence will have. “A clause for a failure due to force majeure, no one accepted,” he says. Existential is not meeting the cancellation of the cross-country ski race but. “In 2021, there will be a Marathon,” he points out.

“The marathon week, our strongest of the year. It’s 200’000 to 300’000 Swiss francs will be lost. This is true for all of us.”Jürg Roth, Boom in sports St. Moritz,

on the one Hand, have made the organizers for such cases, provisions. On the other hand, the start is the money in the 14’200 Logged on to your account. Of this – the entry fee is depending on the time 100 Swiss francs and more – the organisers shall be required according to the regulations, in the case of Rennabsage 16 francs to repay. Kasper promises to do everything so that it will still be a few francs more. More than a promise, he does not want to submit but.

the Harder it hits the trades, in addition to driving in the valley and beyond. The gross value added of the Engadin ski Marathon is a year around 15 million Swiss francs, as of 2017, a study by the University of Lucerne showed. 6.2 million fall in the Engadin. The hotel industry is likely to come out relatively unscathed: most of The rooms can be cancelled at short notice – and those marathon booked in for several nights, will be arriving anyway.

Significantly greater losses are suffered, however, Restaurants and sports shops. A glimpse of what the cancellation means for the sporting goods dealer, is Jürg Roth from Boom Sport in St. Moritz, one of the major players in the valley. Before the Marathon, to be dissected in Roth’s business of around 400 Pairs of skis, the cheapest Service will cost 79, the most expensive of 149 Swiss francs. To another 100 pairs to come in front of the women’s run. Similarly, a large will cease to be part of the walk-in customers. “The marathon week is our strongest sales of the year. There’s 200’000 to 300’000 Swiss francs fall away,” says Roth. “The hits to us.”

Created: 27.02.2020, 21:44 Uhr