The conservative Likud party government of Benjamin Netanyahu has become Israel’s third parliamentary election within a year, according to forecasts by the strongest force. The Likud party came on Monday at 36 to 37 mandates.

The center-Alliance Blue-and-White of the Challenger, Benny Gantz, was a force with 32 to 33 mandates only the second strongest. Netanyahu’s right-religious camp came according to the forecasts, 60 seats, the center-left camp got 52 to 54 seats. For a government majority of 61 of the 120 mandates in the Parliament are necessary at least.

The electoral success of the Likud came only two weeks prior to the start of a Corruption trial against Netanyahu. The 70-designated Years of the result on Twitter as a “giant victory for Israel.” Previously, he had written a heart-tweeted, and only “Thank you”. President of the Parliament, July gemstone, also a Likud politician – wrote on Twitter, the Likud party will quickly form a “strong and good government”.

The right bearing consists of Netanyahu’s conservative Likud, the Jamina-party block of defence Minister Naftali Bennett, and the strict religious parties. The extreme-right Ozma Judith (Jewish power) failed to reach the threshold of 3.25 per cent.

The center-left camp is next to Gantz’ Alliance of Blue-and-White, the left-liberal list of labour party, Merez, and Gescher counted, the United Arab list. The Arab parties, according to forecasts, on 14 to 15 mandates. However, they are not considered potential coalition partners. The Arab MP Ahmed Tibi spoke to a TV report of a “defeat” of Blue-and-White.

Lieberman as kingmaker

The ultra-right Ex-defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has also been seen in this election as a kingmaker. His party Israel Beitenu (Israel Our home) was forecast to be six to eight mandates. Lieberman had withdrawn from Netanyahu after an election in April last year, his support. The background is a dispute with Netanyahu’s strictly religious Alliance partners over the conscription for ultra-Orthodox men.

After elections in April and September 2019, was due to a stalemate between the right-religious and center-left camp, no formation of a government to be successful. Blue-and-White had gone from the second choice, with 33 out of 120 mandates, as the strongest force. The Likud came to 32 mandates.

Netanyahu, however, received 55 recommendations of the members of the office of the Prime Minister, Gantz one vote less. Both have been able to forge any coalition.

Highest turnout since the age of 21

in Spite of the worry that the infection with the novel Coronavirus, the turnout was up to the night relatively high. According to the Central election Committee, the turnout was on Monday at 20.00 (19.00 CET) at 65.5 percent, nearly two percentage points more than at the same time in the previous election in September. This is the highest turnout since the age of 21 at this time.

In a number of cities specially protected “election tents” for the Israelis set up as a result of the Coronavirus in domestic quarantine. In the city of Holon, near Tel Aviv, had to move in the Morning, the police, because residents had blocked the opening of such a tent.

The Ministry of health announced that a total of twelve people in Israel are now infected with the Virus. More than 5600 Israelis are, according to official figures in domestic quarantine. Deaths there were in the past.

Official result in a week

The official final result is expected to be available in about a week. President Reuven Rivlin has to decide after a week’s time, whom he entrusted with the formation of the government. Usually receives the order of the Chairman of the faction with the most votes. He has up to six weeks time. With the formation of a new government is therefore expected at the earliest in the next month.

mathematically and White possible, a Grand coalition of Likud and Blue. However, Netanyahu had stressed during the election campaign, he is seeking a right-religious coalition. Gantz, however, is due to the corruption situation, ready to fall to a coalition without Netanyahu as head of government.

charges of fraud and bribery

The General Prosecutor’s office, Netanyahu accused of fraud and embezzlement, and bribery. It is the suspicion of the influence of the media, allegedly crooked Deals with corporate and luxury gifts to fellow business people in return for political favors. The head of the government has rejected all the allegations.

Netanyahu is aiming for the annexation of the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and the Jordan valley. This step of the shows on the 28. January published on the middle East Plan of the US President Donald Trump on.

The Plan provides for a Palestinian state that would be, however, associated with harsh conditions and without control of external borders. From the Palestinian side, the project has been categorically rejected. Gantz has declared that he will fight for after the election for the implementation of the Trump Plan, “in cooperation with other countries in our Region”. (aru/sda)

Created: 02.03.2020, 19:38 PM