The election campaign in Israel was a mud battle, and it has paid off for the main cause: Benjamin Netanyahu. According to the Motto, it will remain something hanging, has driven the Likud party, a campaign against the Challenger, Benny Gantz, the Sex, lies, and a hooked cell phone and secretly-recorded tape recordings included.

This has triggered uncertainty: the Case of the voters, and in the case of Gantz itself, no longer seemed to be in the third election, often the sovereign. The former chief of staff of the army was on the Defensive and had to defend himself often, instead of his political rivals to attack. His tactics to position themselves further to the right, not the left. Because you would rather keep the Original instead of the copy.

Netanyahu has fought and won – at least temporarily. He was able to better mobilize. His fight for political Survival, he must continue to court. Netanyahu is the first Prime Minister of the country accused. For many, the corruption was not once dropped, reason enough to deprive him of the confidence of layers. You want him and only him. The price for Netanyahu’s electoral success in the third attempt is a divided country and a political culture that even the President is embarrassed.

Created: 03.03.2020, 00:21 PM