Great joy in Beda Klee, Dario Cologna , Jason Rüesch and Roman Furger: Swiss cross-country team, ran in the 4 x 7.5 Kilometer race in Lahti on the surprising second place. The Swiss had to be only from Norway beaten. Russia was third, Italy ranked to rank 4.

The Swiss showed a strong race, Cologna took the 20-second deficit after the first release and lost in the final of his section back a little at the bottom. Rüesch to lock to the top, before he attracted still 6.5 seconds behind. And final runner Furger drove again the gap to the leaders and crowned spurt his performance with the conclusion.

“The second rank is a wonderful placement. So a good placement is not so often,” said Beda Klee after the race compared to the SRF . Cage Roman Furger added: “in the Beginning I had to fight, but then I hit the Gas, and Yes, it actually has passed. We have shown a great team performance.” This view Dario Cologna joined. “Super day, super performance,” he said happily.

Best result since 2010

How surprising the 2. Rank of the Swiss cross-country team is, shows the fact that only once in the world Cup for a Swiss Men’s team was ranked: in 2010, the season won in La Clusaz. With only Cologna was at the time. With him the victory Toni liversedge, Remo Fischer and Curdin Perl took.

As for the men of Norway also won the women. So Tiril Weng, Ingvild Flugstad Oestberg, Therese Johaug and Heidi Weng in the 4 x 5 km relay at the 1 ran. Rank, behind which were classified Finland and Sweden. Switzerland did not go inside at the Start.


Created: 01.03.2020, 12:55 PM