In the case of the primaries of the Democrats has pulled Pete Buttigieg, shortly before the Super Tuesday back. What does this mean for the presidential race?
This could be as a gift for Joe Biden – at exactly the right time. Because on Super Tuesday in 14 US States is selected, it goes to about a third of the delegates ‘ votes in relation to the nomination of the democratic national Convention in July.

The 38-year-old Buttigieg represents how Biden the moderate, pragmatic wing of the party. Who voted for Buttigieg is likely to change the majority into the camp of the former Vice-President, of the celebrated weak results in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada last Saturday, a triumphant victory in South Carolina. African-Americans in South Carolina have revived the candidacy of the 77-year-old Biden again. Buttigieg said that with his retirement he wants to help his party in the fight against President Donald Trump clubs. Buttigieg called on, although not explicitly on the choice of Biden, the last of which he had warned, but prior to a presidential candidacy of Bernie Sanders .

What the situation is before Super Tuesday?
a choice of 5 of plug-in 26 Candidates of the Democrats are still standing. After the first four primaries of the self-proclaimed democratic socialist, Sanders (60 delegate votes) in front of Biden (54) leads, followed by Senators Elizabeth Warren (8) and Amy Klobuchar (7). Klobuchar, however, has given on Monday, just a day after Buttigieg, also their retreat is known, the 59-Year-old is now behind the candidacy of Biden.

no delegates Tulsi Gabbard, a member has votes in the house of representatives. With the Super Tuesday Michael Bloomberg gets into the presidential race. The Ex-mayor of New York, and 60-times the billionaire appears for the first time, notes on the voting. For his election campaign, the 78-year-old Bloomberg has spent so far, $ 480 million. For comparison: Sanders election campaign expenses amount to 120 million.

Why is Super Tuesday so important?
Who performs this Tuesday, under the line, at best, has very good chances to be as a Challenger of incumbent Donald Trump placed. On Super Tuesday will be awarded at a stroke, 1357 delegates ‘ votes. The most delegated votes there are in the population States of California (415) and Texas (228) rich. Elected in several southern States with a high proportion of African-Americans. For a presidential nomination, it needs to 1991, a total of 3979 delegates ‘ votes.

What to say to the polls?
According to the political analysis web site “Real Clear Politics” has Sanders best poll numbers in key States. In California, Sanders (34.7 percent) leads in front of Biden (18.0 percent) and Warren (15.3 percent). In Texas, Sanders (30.3 percent) is ahead of Biden (24.3 percent) and Bloomberg (16.7 percent). Also, on average, the country-wide surveys, Sanders is the Frontrunner of the Democrats: Sanders comes to 29.6 percent, followed by Biden with 18.8 percent, and Bloomberg with 16.4 percent.

Is to be expected on Super Tuesday a victory for Sanders?
Also, the forecasts of the political analysis Website “fivethirtyeight” see Sanders in the front. Voices of the forecasts, is likely to strengthen the 78-year-old left-wing populist in most of the 14 States of victories and his Position as the Frontrunner. Biden and Bloomberg follow on ranks 2 and 3. After the Super Tuesday the field of Candidates could be smaller. Those who did badly, is likely to come under pressure to throw in the towel. The two remaining women – Warren, and especially Gabbard – have a chance. The decisive factor will be whether Bloomberg remains in the race, if he is performing below his own expectations. Bloomberg competes with Biden, the votes of the moderate camp, and from this fight Sanders benefits. To prevent Sanders, would Bloomberg or Biden get out of the race. The major goal of the Democrats is to prevent a second term Trumps. Experts believe that a moderate candidate would have a better chance than Sanders.

when to expect election results?
In the East of the USA, the voting ends in a number of States to 19 PM local time, on Wednesday, 1 PM, CET. First results should be known. But it could take hours until the votes are accurately distributed. The end of California to the West coast, where up to 5 PM CET is matched.

How to do it after the Super Tuesday with the primaries of the Democrats?
Already at 10. March are primaries in seven other States. Until the June 17 election are scheduled appointments. The nomination of the democratic national Convention in July in Milwaukee in the all-important Swing State of Wisconsin.

New episode of the podcast “decision-2020”

About Mike Bloomberg and his role in the pre-election campaign of the Democrats to discuss Christof Münger and Martin Kilian in a further consequence of the Tamedia-Podcasts “decision-2020”.

Created: 03.03.2020, 15:35 PM