The 28-year-old cleaning man was drunk as often as he wanted to rape in September 2018 his sleeping wife. He put her to bed in the cradle beside them, the eight-month Baby. As he held her hands and her pants and underwear off a ledge, fought back, and the woman with hands and feet, and screamed for help. Screaming as the Baby began, he let go of her. The neighbor had called in the meantime, the police.

at the end of February, the district court of Zurich sentenced the man for attempted rape and gave him a series of instructions: alcohol therapy, hair samples, and a learning program to non-violent partnership.

In this program, violent men engage in 16 hours of sessions with yourself and your behavior. The 28-Year-old reflected, when and why he hits: it was because of alcohol, Stress or a problematic role of the image. With specially trained social workers, he developed a contingency plan for such risk situations. In a group of eight people he trains to play finally with the role, as he must, in appropriate cases, behavior without the use of force.

The tutorial is a good thing. We are committed to this, whenever possible, to arrange.Claudia wiederkehr, senior state attorney in Dietikon

The learning program have completed in 2019, with 50 people suddenly twice as many offenders as in the previous years. It is the highest value since the introduction twenty years ago. The program is a service of the office of the prison and reintegration (Juwe). Can assign to courts, law enforcement agencies and Prosecutor’s offices. Up to now, it was here but very cautious: In the past ten years, an average of 23 persons were assigned to the program.

Claudia Wiederkehr, senior state attorney in Dietikon, on the part of the Prosecutor’s office leading domestic violence. She says prosecutors are sensitised in dealing with domestic violence. A change in thinking had taken place, the learning is increasingly in the focus. “It is a good thing. We are committed to this, whenever possible, to arrange.” The learning program is for offenders, a larger Einschnittals an actual conviction of a conditional sentence.

Less relapses, thanks to the learning program

Actually learning programs to prevent recurrence actions. A recent study by the Juwe, in collaboration with the University of Konstanz. In the case of offenders who were not a learning program, has been, within six years, every Fourth relapse. In the case of participants, the risk of relapse was 14 percent more than 10 percent lower. For the authors, the program is “an effective Intervention, which also lowers long term risk for re-offenses”.

Joder Regli is the Director of learning programs at the Juwe. He expects significantly more assignments in the near future. Because in July, several changes to the law come into force. Learning programs can be faster prescribed new even if a process is still running.

in Addition, it becomes more difficult to suspend proceedings because of domestic violence. New the prosecution must subpoena the victim, after six months to an appointment and making sure that the woman was not put under pressure and their Situation has actually improved. Only then the procedure can be adjusted.

program only in two of the 95 cases

Pia all man, Co-Director of the counselling centre for women affected by violence (BIF) is prescribed, is not in favour of the learning program: “victims often desire a punishment, but that the Partner will change his behavior.” In the long run, also bring the greater protection.

Nevertheless, the program still have potential for expansion: “In comparison to the number of very little offender, criminal proceedings are still assigned to it.” A study by the University of Zurich analyzed the cases of domestic violence from the year 2014. Result: 95 of the criminal commands was only prescribed twice a learning program. For comparison: The police needs to be sent in the Canton of around five to ten times per day due to domestic violence. Per year it is around a thousand directions, contact, or rayon prohibitions against offenders.

all man criticised the fact that there is mostly only offers for German-speaking. Also the perpetrators of violence with a mental illness or addiction problems are not suitable for the learning program. “It needs more, and especially specific programmes.”

English as a”killer criterion”

victims of domestic violence are migrants relatively often. Only perpetrators who speak English, can complete the learning program, is a Problem. “The language is, unfortunately, often a killer criterion,” says state attorney return. Together with the enforcement authority to work on it, the language requirements down. When Juwe it is not a matter of Resources: Non-German perpetrators would have to be accompanied by Translators and could not participate in the group coaching.

Although more perpetrators in an educational programme, has set her conduct in the criminal proceedings are still little consequences: Two thirds of the studies, mostly because the victim makes a lack of interest Declaration. “Many women say that it is good that the police and the Prosecutor’s office would have intervened, but the Situation had calmed down a little now, and she wanted no punishment. In such cases our hands are tied,” says Wiederkehr. If victims do not make any statements more, the procedure. This Situation also improved the victim will change the protection bit, she says. Important to strengthen women: “in order To make View and not only the police, but also in the case of the Prosecutor’s statements.”

Pia all the man of the BIF is contrary to criminal proceedings for the victim of a large load with an uncertain outcome. “The women are often financially dependent on their violent partners, a fine or a prison stay would make the Situation worse.”

victims return again and again to the tormentor

Instead, there is a need in the procedures to Know about the victim psychology: “Traumatised victims are not able to remember well the fact, and make contradictory statements.” On average, a victim of five returning to seven times to the tormentors. This will often be interpreted incorrectly. “Their fear of separation is understandable,” says all man. “A lot of homicides are committed during this time.”

the wife of the 28-year-old Putz’s together again with your Partner. How the “Republic” writes, the woman who wanted to participate in the official tort, initially as a private applicant in the proceedings, a lack of explanation. You forgave him then and asked in the investigation is to punish him. The two moved in together again, the woman was pregnant, the Baby is now three months old.

Created: 03.03.2020, 22:51 PM