The Supreme leader gave an effort to reassure his people: “The extent of the disaster is in our opinion not so great,” said Ali Khamenei, as he planted at the beginning of the week, on the occasion of the Iranian “Tags of the raw materials” symbolically a tree. In dealing with the Coronavirus he rate, to trust in higher powers. “Prayers can solve a lot of problems,” he said.

the head of the Islamic Republic, the dialogue with God as a protective measure, however, is not sufficient, showed the hands of Khamenei. The spade with which he pushed the earth to the tree root, he held, transparent gloves, which are also used in operating rooms and doctor’s offices.

As an 80-Year-old with a rumored to be strongly impaired health Khamenei belongs to the risk group. In addition, the Virus is spreading in their environment rapidly: 23 of the 290 deputies in Iran have been positively tested also the Vice-President Eshag Jahangiri, the Vice-President Masoumeh Ebtekar, and the Vice Minister of health, Iraj Harirchi. The 71-year-old Mohammad Mirmohammadi, a close adviser to Khamenei, has succumbed to the Virus.

Frighteningly high Numbers

That Iran developed one of the most from Coronavirus-affected countries, one can not deny the leadership in Tehran no longer best. China is the main trading partner of the sanction-stricken state, the contact is in the area of origin of the pathogen has promoted the dissemination. In the meantime, the Virus had reached almost all provinces of the country, said President Hassan Rouhani. The latest Figures are frightening: 3513 cases of infection are confirmed now, over a thousand more than two days previously. The death toll has risen to 107, it is only higher in China – and gives scientists a cause of major concern.

Deputy to make reported, Doctors have been encouraged, on the dead seem to be of Corona-Victims of false information.

compared to The official number of people Infected, the amount of the deceased is above average – what could be a sign that the diseases are lost in the country more severe, or treated worse than elsewhere. More likely, however, that the high number of victims indicates that the government knows the full extent of the pandemic due to the lack of Tests or intentionally conceals, from a minimum Of 4000 cases, doctors were already at the beginning of the week, a canadian study calculated even 18’000 or even more available Infected.

government spokesman, Ali Rabei admits that the upcoming time is likely to be difficult: “We have two tough weeks ahead of us,” he said. 14 days ago the sound is still different. As the Islamic Republic celebrated its crisis management as a “global model” and announced the Export of masks to China. Now, however, are closed in Iran, schools and universities, on billboards, the correct Blowing your nose and hands will be explained, wash.

captives freed

in Order to prevent further infection, sent the government a group of people with preventive home, which gets only very rarely free: 54’000 to smaller penalties convicted prisoners should be allowed to leave the prisons temporarily, in which the Virus spread rapidly. 300’000 soldiers and Volunteers to go with disinfectants from house to house.

However, the doubts grow, that’s not enough really. The trust of the population in the state is due no later than shaken since the lies after the shooting down of the Ukrainian passenger plane. Did the Regime learn from this, apparently, little: still Tehran attempts rather, information about the true extent of the pandemic to contain the Virus, said the hospital staff of the Western media. Some members of dare, however, to refer to the published Figures as far too low, and reported, Doctors have been encouraged, on the dead seem to be of Corona to make the Victims of false information.

Despite all this, Khamenei and his clergy trust in God: to prove The Holy shrines in the cities of Qom and Mashhad, where the infection rates are particularly high, will remain open. You will be touched every day by Thousands of pilgrims – and still kissed.

Created: 05.03.2020, 20:04 PM