The Republicans Matt Gaetz in the US policy with unusual actions. During the Impeachment proceedings, the Congress members disrupted several times of secret hearings, once by he will go illegally smuggled into a meeting, and refused, again, on another occasion, he led a raucous group of his party colleagues, the media in front of the doors of the intelligence Committee, and called loudly to the inlet. In the US media call the representative of Florida, one of the “most shameless and most loyal supporter” of US President Donald Trump.

Gaetz provides more with PR Stunts for attention, such as last Wednesday when he showed up in the US Congress with a gas mask. He tweeted the picture himself in the world, and wrote that he was preparing to vote on the additional funding for the fight against the Coronavirus.

The mask he had confirmed not only in preparing for the vote, but also in the hall of the U.S. house of representatives, like other members of Congress. There, he had to take off his unusual protection, but again, after the guards of the Parliament had asked him to do so. Gaetz was first in the right to bear a mask to wear, a saw, however, that there is no corresponding provision. Such, however, would be introduced, he said the Website “The Hill”.

Gaetz recalls Martullo-Blocher

What was going to testify Gaetz with his gas mask action exactly, was not clear, the 37-Year-old delivered first, no further explanations. The observer and the Democrats accused the Republicans, therefore, that he worried about the Coronavirus funny and so the President wants to support Trump, the look at the epidemic as a media hype. It was probably no coincidence that Gaetz showed up exactly during a vote on Coronavirus with the gas mask in the US Congress, are suspected of multiple media.

From a Swiss perspective, recalls Gaetz to SVP national councillor, Magdalena Martullo-Blocher, who came in last week with a protective mask to the Parliament and said that she wanted no one to infect. In the Council, you have an increased risk of infection, and she didn’t want to infect and the disease, in the worst case in your operation, continue to wear it. Martullo-Blocher was asked how Gaetz of the Parliament’s services to Store the mask, or to Exit the hall.

Video: protective mask in the Parliament , The Swiss national councillor, Magdalena Martullo-Blocher was wearing at the beginning of the spring session of the Federal house as a protective mask. Video: SDA-Keystone (2. March 2020)

The Republican from Florida, delivered for his mask Stunt later, a similar explanation of how Martullo-Blocher. As a Congressman, he was exposed to the Coronavirus stronger than many others in the USA, he explained to USA Today.

It’s not about the epidemic’s funny, but on the contrary to the seriousness of the Situation, point out want to have made. The danger for the American Congress is real, because the members would have to travel a lot, everywhere, shake hands, and would always be asked back to Selfies, in which you also touched Smartphones of other persons, as he said to a journalist from TMZ.

where did he get the gas mask, didn’t want to Gaetz betrayed. He had, after all, teach that this protection against the Coronavirus is hardly suitable, especially as he wore the mask first also wrong. A democratic colleague and a United States Veteran then showed him how he must put on properly, at Gaetz.

But even that would protect him if he would go on about how “The Guardian” writes. Due to the moisture in the air and in the breath, the mask will lose with time, the ability of the microbes to filter out.

Since Monday in quarantine

Even if the mask was just an attention Stunt, it turns out that Gaetz had with his warning that national politicians are particularly vulnerable, quite right. On Monday, two Republican in the Coronavirus-quarantine – Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Paul Gosar had to. Both were shaken at a Meeting of conservative politicians in a man’s Hand, and was tested positive. Members of Congress were shells “human Petri dishes,” said Gaetz then again.

And then it hit him, too, because Gaetz shook eleven days earlier, the same Coronavirus-Infected Hand. On Monday, the Republican has therefore set itself in quarantine, and a virus test. The results are expected on Wednesday.

With Trump in Air Force One

A greater importance of the Coronavirus suspected at Gaetz because he’s still flown on Monday with US President Donald Trump from Orlando to Washington is obtained. As a Video shows, drove the two already in the presidential Limo “The Beast” to the plane, and rose successively in the Air Force One.

Video: Trump takes Gaetz with The U.S. President and the Coronavirus Isolated Matt Gaetz, a rise from the same car to and from Air Force One. Video:

Gaetz learned, apparently aboard Air Force One that he Infected had contact with a Coronavirus. Until then, he could have been the US President but is already plugged in. Trump had shaken also contact other members of Congress, Doug Collins, the Meeting at the conservative the same now tested positive participants in the Hand.

The President has so far not been tested but on the Coronavirus, such as his spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said on Tuesday morning. He had had no contact with Corona-positive and show no symptoms. Even the White house have not changed due to the incidents its internal behaviour, as the have done a lot of organisations already. There are no rules to the personal contact limit.

Corona dead in Florida

In the district of Matt Gaetz, Okaloosa County in the Florida Panhandle, died meanwhile, a Person on the Coronavirus. Many voters requested after that from your members an apology for the gas mask Stunt. The 37-Year-old refused to give him a harsh Wind blows now, but in his home country, Republican competitors ready to Gaetz replace in the primaries as a candidate. The members of the Congress must be elected every two years, in the conservative Okaloosa County Democrats have traditionally had no chances.

not only the mask action to create Gaetz. In 2017, he was the only member of a human trafficking-was rejected by the law. The package was negotiated by both parties and in the Senate without a dissenting voice, waved on through. Only the fresh-in the house of representatives elected Gaetz refused, because he no longer found, there is a need for government, but less.

In the Internet, he is met with hostility, and due to an arrest from 2008. He was accused that he was under the influence of alcohol driving a car, the lawsuit but it was dropped after a short period of time, among other things, because the policeman who had arrested him was dismissed because of several Offences. Further incidents of this kind, such as social media are always bandying about were not available.

Created: 10.03.2020, 12:35 PM