The defense Department, Federal councillor Viola Amherd has installed a national reporting system to be continually on the number of intensive care places in the hospitals informed. The clinics have received on Monday a Letter to the armed forces staff paramedics. From now on, you need to report daily on how many emergency beds for patients with Coronavirus are available. It is a question of isolation places, intensive care spaces and breathing places for children and adults.

The Swiss society for intensive care medicine (SGI) announced on Wednesday that it certified currently in Switzerland, 82 from the SGI, and recognized intensive give stations. There are between 950 and 1000 beds are currently available. “Of these, 800 to 850 beds on ventilators have,” writes the SGI on Wednesday. Added to this ICU available beds 400 to 450 beds in Intermediate Care Units, the so-called monitoring stations.

hospitals drive capacity high

At the University hospital in Basel, there is the intensive care unit has 22 ventilation places. “We could go in case of need substantially higher,” said University hospital spokesman Nicolas Drechsler. At the cantonal hospital of St. Gallen, there are 36 courses with equipment to give patients artificial. “We assume that for a next Phase in 18 seats for the ventilation of Corona cases, can be eliminated,” says Philip Lutz, spokesman for the hospital.

The hospitals should create additional capacity, the VBS clinics. This is possible by non-life postponed important operations, persons previously dismissed or in rehab would be transferred. Also, the Federal office for health (BAG), recommends the hospitals to make beds for Corona-free patients. “In relation to intensive care capacity, the opportunities are limited in Switzerland,” he said on Tuesday, Patrick Mathys, the head of section, crisis management and international cooperation at the BAG, at a media conference. The hospitals could now create additional places by they cancelled the appointment not necessary intervention. “The creation of such capacities is a challenge,” said Mathys. Especially, because it need not only courts, but also the required highly specialized personnel.

St. Gallen cantonal hospital, says life important operations

The hospitals react differently to the demand of the authorities. The cantonal hospital of St. Gallen has responded regarding the increase in capacity already. “Appropriate Considerations there have been since a few days,” said spokesman Philipp Lutz. The internal task force on Coronavirus with the chief physicians and Hospital managers have decided on Wednesday that as of Thursday, no patient admissions were planned, which were not urgently needed. Medically necessary treatments such as cancer treatments or investigations, as in the case of tumor suspicion not to be affected by planning to stop, says Lutz.

Otherwise, it sounds at the University hospital Basel. It make little sense, the intervention limit, if there is no acute shortage was. “As soon as it is necessary, we will take measures,” says spokesman Nicolas Drechsler. The pressure of suffering for patients, who needed, for example, a hip joint, is large. As long as it was possible, if one wants to make such interventions, he says.

the army should come in to the care of Corona-ill be used. Although she has Einsiedeln in civil hospitals and in the military hospital of 800 beds for basic and treatment care available. However, the were underground and thus, for the management of the Corona epidemic of little use. “Therefore, the army’s focus is to support the civilian health care in its own infrastructure. The designated formations can be used to line-up and a short training phase within two to four days,” says army spokesman Stefan Hofer.

Created: 12.03.2020, 11:00 PM