admit, I’m one of them, I switch to the ORF. Always then, when a Swiss woman wins. If a Swiss displace Austrians at the top. And most of all, when the Austrians lubricate properly. As you spiral then, as you praise the Swiss. Must praise! The ORF is my transmitter to happiness, always on Saturdays and Sundays. This Winter especially.

It is a good Moment for this confession. 30 Nations scores have won our neighbors in a row, they have not triumphed, but they have us dominated. The past is the past. Finally. It’s so good, the switch on Teletext and the number 361 type – the Nations ranking. Sometimes, when the hours of rest, I catch myself, like I look short. Switzerland on one. Austria two. Ui. One leaves the framework of political correctness, not completely, if one admits that one is unsure of what to be happy now, stronger. Switzerland on one. Or Austria, to two. Anyway: Was for a long time.

we Remind you to dress us, to Franz Heinzer in the Cheese. Not a pretty sight. He shot in Lillehammer, from the start the house – and out of the binding. A metaphor for everything Swiss, unlucky and non of the past decades like. Ski racing for a long time was looking like snow leopards kissing – doesn’t have to be. Once, on 21. December 1998, were the Austrians, after a Super-G to ninth on the podium. Of rank 1, Hermann Maier, to rank 9, Werner Franz. The best Swiss Paul Accola, was found at rank 16. He has focused on the feasibility – it was not very much.

Franz Heinzer and the binding fraction. Source: Youtube

Now it is different. We win, you lose. And as you wehmacht. As you are suffering. The singer and former skier Hansi Hinterseer, for example. Or Stephan Eberharter (“This is embarrassing”). And then there’s Peter Schrock needle, President of the Austrian ski Federation (ÖSV), with the honorary title of Professor is decorated, Schröcksi called, and Peter the Great called. Now, Peter is quite small. At the last world Cup in Are, he said to the Swiss Ski-in-chief, Urs Lehmann: “When the day comes, you and your Swiss team in front of us the Nation’s Cup win, I stop immediately.” The man has the insolence to call himself still President. It is obvious: The Austrians an appropriate resignation culture is missing. The Exception Is Marcel Hirscher.

in Saalbach four Swiss in the top five went (and the Austrians by the curves eierten), told a glorious racket, and Carlo Janka, the Swiss driver considered, briefly, whether or not you “should go to Mr. Schrock needle over”. Would you have gone on a hi pass, and had chatted a bit. You would have to use the opportunity and the predicament of the ORF is designed to appeal to. There you have to fight with the odds. The mountain doctor has attracted more viewers (661’000) as at the same time, the night slalom in Madonna (654’000). Previously unthinkable. Failure makes unsexy, love neighbors.

At the end, came bad luck. Three tiny points short of the Austrian Vincent Kriechmayr on the Super-G globe, also because the last race due to bad weather was cancelled. This of course does hurt, which is naturally bitter, you wish to anyone. Where … the cancellation had the pleasant side effect that Mauro Caviezel won the world Cup and the fast ball kit perfect. Whether downhill or Super-G, all of the fast disciplines have a Swiss champion (Corinne Suter) and Swiss champion ( Beat Feuz and Caviezel). The Austrians? Have not won a single ball.

The need for pity, a particularly sly Form of Schadenfreude. Nevertheless, it is important that The Austrians were about all the years of kind and generous, above all television commentators to Armin Assinger. About Didier Cuches low-travel to Kitzbühel in 2011, which ended in the Triumph. Or as of 2006, the Frenchman Antoine Dénériaz with start number 30, “like a bat out of hell” Michael Walchhofer of the Olympic victory snatch. The Video from the Austrian Kommentatorenbox is unquestionably among the highlights of recent television history. Therefore, a very serious consolation for Austria: at Least your moderators are better. Switching has never been so beautiful.

Armin Assinger can’t believe it. Source: Youtube

Created: 12.03.2020, 14:49 PM