In the secondary school, Peter moss, in the book, you see it coming: The Corona-crisis is the closure of the school is necessary. Therefore, principals, Ralph Zollinger has provided the teachers in the sports holiday to the first crisis meeting. Aim: How do we deal with sick children, and how we organize ourselves, if we have to close? “Now it pays off,” he says, “we had a school closure hits unprepared anyone.”

With the newcomers Tim king Zollinger from his teacher team has also found an ideal Corona Case Manager. The former veterinarian, set up a sick room where sick pupils can be separated once it has been already used. Mainly king is on the phone with parents of sick children – currently there are 13.

Yesterday, Marlise Fahrni, President of the community of Regensdorf/book/Dällikon, the headmaster and the head of the school administration has offered to further crisis meeting. It starts with watching television. On the screen education Director Silvia Steiner with a serious expression, announced: “We are glad to the decision of the Federal Council. Otherwise we would have arranged itself the school closures.”

These do not apply in the Canton of Zurich only up to 4. April, but until after the spring holiday at the end of April. All teaching events in the school-houses are prohibited. Teachers work at home or at another suitable location.

confusion to care

And then the education Director says a sentence that is donated in the Chattel crisis meeting confusion: “In the school of education is prohibited, but not the presence.” Because it is necessary to ensure the care of children for which the parents are not supervisors can be found. Especially for parents, the nurses, police officers and employees of the public transport. Because you currently have a particularly important task.

What does that mean now? Have to stay with the teachers on Monday at home or in the school, and students serve? And: you Need to take care of the children present, or they may put them under?

journalists ask these questions also. Silvia Steiner says: It was aware that some of the chaos ought to be the days on the schools, but: “Not a single child at risk or unsupervised be.” In addition, it was important to protect the most vulnerable grandparents of the children.

For Ralph Zollinger, and school President Fahrni is clear: Before in the Peter moss children are looked after, must be discussed in the further course of action. In addition, it must be clear how many children need support in school.


you Know, how you will organize the care of the children?






55 votes





55 votes

that’s what it is called in yesterday evening sent a letter to Parents: “The school heads, the teachers and the crisis team will sit down together on Monday to plan further actions. Keep your kids at home. For justified emergencies, we will organise from Tuesday, a supervision in the morning.”

ownership asked

And how the school closing to the students in Peter moss? “The home office is not so bad. I’m going to try to work a few hours a day,” said the 15-year-old Sekschülerin Urata Hajrizaj yesterday afternoon in the school house square. Head of school Ralph Zollinger pleased by this, but really because he doesn’t like faith. Most of all he would ask every Morning, a binding working time of young people. However, as it is important to check if they are there?

Zollinger hopes on the self-responsibility of pupils, which is practiced in the Studio teaching, in Peter moss daily.

education Director Silvia Steiner assured the schools in this difficult time support. For the digital classroom, a Website is available. The teaching in the course of Mondays free special licences for digital teaching materials of the 1. Primary – up to 3. Secondary class so that the students can learn on-line.

Cribs remain open

The Steiner announced that important examinations may be held. Inspections and tests at the secondary schools on the 25. March will be carried out with the necessary safety measures. Matura examinations and school final examinations will not be cancelled.

in addition to the national schools, the education Directorate has also says the presence of instruction at the vocational schools, high schools and at the University. The buildings of the University will remain open, however, research and Administration are not affected by the closure. Also, the ETH is on Monday full-on digital teaching.

continue to run to the Cribs of children, but the Education Department wants to give recommendations.

Created: 13.03.2020, 22:31 PM