is Our today’s everyday life is characterised by many small diversion. We use digital techniques to deal with us seamlessly with something. The idle in the head has a great Advantage because we are not programmed to be constantly “turned on” switches.

The constant Overstimulation of our brain has a negative effect on our health. This can lead to an increased Stress Level, decreased ability to concentrate, creativity, and Digital-Looking. The solution is to endure “boredom”, all to “0” and the thoughts just run free. The best boredom can succeed if we treat ourselves to a break from people, activities, and technology. Germany bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good cause

We do not leave anyone alone. With the Song “Victoriam” supports the action of #corona care boards in Germany.

Now “Victoriam” to listen to

most people find it hard to switch off and do Nothing. Because boredom is “an unpleasant, troublesome felt sense of Not-filled-ness, monotony, Bareness, arises from lack of variety, stimulation, entertainment, interesting, sexy employment”. Often we experience these moments even as unproductive. Nervousness and agitation to make itself felt, and a boredom does not feels first after recovery.

the boredom “is our biggest enemy”, said Voltaire. Scientists from the University of Virginia and Harvard University (both USA) have demonstrated this impressively in a study. They let students in for up to 15 minutes sitting in a room, and these were allowed to be distracted by anything. Only a possibility of the subjects had: they could self-inflict painful electric shock. More than two-thirds of oppressed in the boring quarter of an hour at least once on the button.

Out of boredom, there are positive impulses

in the long term, slowing down has a positive effect on productivity, creativity, and the reduction of Stress Levels. Boredom can inspire people to look for new Ways and solutions to be altruistic and empathetic, and prosocial tasks involved.

plus points for the boredom:

  • creativity: boredom is no time to waste – quite the contrary! Neuro-scientific findings show that our brain needs these little time-outs to capture new ideas and to think creatively. In particular, daydreams regions of the brain for imagination and creativity, in charge to activate.
  • concentration: Less is sometimes more and that will help you to better focus and things. The conscious breaks can have a positive effect on sleep, diet success, and emotional stability, which are in turn closely linked with the ability to concentrate.
  • More: boredom can motivate people to the social tasks involved. This effect is seen far beyond the duration of the boring activity, in addition to. “Out of boredom, people long for different and purposeful activities, and as a result, you want to claim actions to be richer and more meaningful, and turn to what they perceive as really meaningful in life”, according to researchers at the University of Limerick (Ireland).
  • YOU: boredom makes the mind wander, and makes us more altruistic, introspective, and assists in the autobiographical planning. As a result, the way for completely new approaches, which can develop suddenly better. In these periods of rest, we can concentrate on our own lives, and new goals. This Motivation can arise to learn something New or to discover. Similarly, you can serve this Reflection on boredom as an amplifier, for example, to change an unsatisfactory Situation.

tips for Kids

“mom, how long do we need?” or “…I have nothing to Play with. What should I do?”. For many parents, it is inexplicable that their children will be bored, because the nursery is full of toys. However, it is precisely the Problem. The Abundance of game opportunities to take the children of any creativity. To have the Motivation themselves to come up with something, is low. The same applies to structured daily routines that leave no room for Kids to deal with alone.

to experiment and Discover their own Strengths and personal interests is minimized. In addition, creative spaces, and any Form of mental be filled “idling” through the use of digital applications – the head is never still! Therefore, Smartphone and game console to one side and boredom, to encourage creative and new motion, and to discover ways to play!

This article was written by Prof. Dr. Kristin Behrens are the claims of the supporters of the football PCP are the claims of the supporters of the football

*The article “boredom in the Corona-crisis in positive inspirations convert – how it works” is published by DLV. Contact with the executives here.