“The indecent price war when meat is the root of many Evils,” said Union group Vice-Georg Nüßlein (CSU), the “Augsburger Allgemeine” on Monday. “He brings to our farmers in Existenznöte, is detrimental to the welfare and stations for the problematic working conditions in the battle are responsible.”

in the face of multiple Corona outbreaks among employees of battle, demands for stricter controls and radically operated least, better working conditions, according to. In the Corona-crisis index as under a magnifying glass, “how difficult abattoirs are set up,” so Nüßlein, which is in the group for environment and nature is responsible.

tax increase will come from price, advertising disappear

To higher meat prices over run, therefore, there is no way. The gains in revenue would have to be passed on to farmers, associated with the pad, to provide more animal welfare – for example, through the construction of species-appropriate stables.

  • Current messages to the consequences of the Corona-crisis for consumers, business and investors, you can read here.

The easiest way such an animal could be tax of a VAT increase, said the CSU politician more. Currently, the reduced rate of seven percent applies for meat and sausage. How high is the increase of the tax rate for meat should be, left open Nüßlein. “We need to figure out,” he said. dpa/Ingo Wagner/dpa pigs to the killing in the deboning area of the abattoir

Nüßlein also requires that the advertising of meat should have about the price of a the end. In the Ads, posters or brochures of the supermarket chains at the lowest possible price meat price so far, almost always in the foreground. Because meat in General is not a brand, a Kilo of pork neck at different discounters is regarded as comparable, regardless of where the meat come from and under what conditions it will generate.

“competition is legally possible and ethically

” offered “This Dumping competition must have an end, because he provides an immense pressure on farmers and slaughterhouses,” urges Nüßlein. Achieved this goal could be through a voluntary self-commitment of trade – or, if that doesn’t work, due to a ban. If it is no longer allowed, the price highlight, this could lead to a in the flesh ad, rather the aspects of animal welfare and sustainability would be emphasized.

A ban on advertising, with meat prices Nüßlein considers “competition is legally possible and ethically offer”. If the sharp price decline pressure during the meat, would also have the battle companies have more opportunities to provide better conditions in the production.

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