the “stay at home”: In the Netherlands, the sentiment towards German tourists

16.03 PM: New relaxations and open borders in the Netherlands, many German curls at the time to neighbor – much to the displeasure of many Locals. The sentiment towards immigration in the German, according to the “Rheinische Post” aggressive, so cars would be approached with German license plates with sayings like “What are you doing here?” or “Go home”. dpa Venlo: Two Dutch police officers at the so-called father’s day in the city centre.

Many feared that the Entry of the Virus into the Netherlands or to Germany to bring dignity. The “Rheinische Post” quoted a local resident with a clear demand to German tourists: “stay home and come back when the Virus is gone”.

Also, the police respond to the anticipated onslaught of German tourists, by increasing the array of the forces of law and order. Only the tourism industry attracts more to the neighbouring country. All the important messages to the Coronavirus in the FOCUS Online Newsletter. Subscribe now.

Italy is holding a Corona auxiliary plan of Merkel and Macron insufficient

15.49 at: The discussion on the German-French help win plan in the Corona-crisis, to travel. Italy criticized the proposed 500-billion-Euro program as inadequate. Trade unions in Germany and France, called for more money to deal with the crisis. Four other EU countries have announced to present a counter-proposal to the Initiative of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), and France’s head of state, Emmanuel Macron.

The German-French Plan of the EU is to allow the Commission, on the financial markets loans on behalf of the EU, in order to fill a reconstruction Fund in volume of 500 billion euros. The money is then to flow as a non-repayable subsidies from the EU budget to the most of the Corona-crisis-hit EU countries, including Italy. Kay Nietfeld/dpa-Pool/dpa progress to the second: German Chancellor ANgela Merkel (front) and French President Emmanuel Macron

The Plan is, however, a controversy in Europe. This demands for more support for affected countries on the warnings of a debt recording and criticism of the disbursement of funds as grants.

The Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte advocated on Wednesday in a guest post on the Website “Politico”, the France and Germany proposed 500-billion-Euro program as “a bold and significant step”. It had to “be done much more”.

All messages to the Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online. It was only 30 degrees, then the severe weather: is the weather on the holiday and the weekend, at the PCP Only 30 degrees, then the severe weather: is the weather on holiday and for the weekend

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