“Before the first death case was closed in Portugal already in social self-isolation, and the schools were. This has given us an advantage,“ explained the Portuguese health Minister Marta Temido, in an Interview with the Spanish newspaper El País, the good situation in your country. On the Iberian Peninsula, it puzzled these days as to why the Corona pandemic, the two countries are so different to hit hard. Recorded in Portugal, based on the number of inhabitants, much less Covid-19-victims as Spain. There were, according to the John Hopkins University on Thursday, 58 Deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, in Portugal, eleven.

No country in Europe has less intense

the beds to surprise These Figures. Because the starting position of Portugal in the crisis were in very bad shape. The proportion of over 80-Year-olds in the population is similar to that in Italy. The health system of the country is still suffering from the consequences of strict austerity measures following the financial crisis of 2008. In no country in Europe beds per capita are less intense than in Portugal.

Although the Land had, because of its peripheral location in Europe, a time advantage on the crisis to prepare. Nevertheless, the government reacted in Lisbon very much faster than other States: The schools closed in mid-March, when the country recorded less than 100 infections, the national state of emergency was declared at around 600 cases. For comparison: When Spain took this step were more than 6000 people have fallen ill and nearly 200 Covid-19 died.

“it was clear to them that the Spanish conditions in your country, would mean the demise of”

The failure of Spain was the neighbours a cautionary tale. “When the Portuguese saw the horror pictures of Spanish hospitals and old people’s homes, did you know: The Virus stands in front of the door. That was an unmistakable Signal that we need to pull the emergency brake,“ reports Reinhardt Naumann, working in Lisbon for the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, in an interview with FOCUS Online. Tens of thousands of families had already been taken before the official Lockdown their children from the schools, and volunteered in self-imposed isolation to embark. Factories, offices, restaurants closed immediately and without protest from the population, according to Naumann. “The people had a great awareness of the danger posed by the Virus. It was clear to them that the Spanish would mean the demise for your country.“

imago images/Hans Lucas people with mouth protection in the Lisbon tram. The measures in the fight against the Corona pandemic in Portugal was based largely on Germany. The Lockdown was compared with Spain or Italy in many parts of the country more “moderate”. “If we wanted to leave the house, we had to fill out any forms or get permission. Everyone could go shopping or go for a walk,“ says Naumann. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister, António Costa, has a similar way to the German government a Three-phase Plan for the “step and prudent” exit from the Lockdown presented with the warning, that which might loosely be driven back at any time, if the case numbers rise again.

politicians from all parties to work together – and the citizens follow the rules

This cautious course taken by the government supported by the majority of the Portuguese – even though the economic loss in the country that had recovered after the financial crisis, thanks to a thriving tourism just a little, are solid. The old town of Lisbon is still empty, people stay at home and continue to distance rules. And protests against the Corona-policy of the government in Germany does not exist in Portugal is reported by Naumann. “The vast majority of the population is still at the bar, even if there are understandable symptoms ways fatigue.”

contributed To the fact that the Portuguese is so closed and in solidarity through the crisis can go, has the behavior of the policy. While in Spain, the opposition party, the Partido Popular in the crisis, in sharp confrontation with the socialist government, there are in Portugal, not a politically motivated “Corona-debates”. The Opposition supported the left-wing minority government since the beginning of the crisis, the decision on the imposition of a state of emergency was, by agreement, across party lines met.

pandemic-wing populists have in Portugal not a Chance

“There are very few votes, the shoot in the current crisis, the cross and the Situation for their own purposes to exploit,” says Naumann, with a view to Europe’s emerging “pandemic-populism”. Radical right-wing currents had in Portugal, which was ruled until the 1974 dictatorial, yet no Chance. In the elections in October of last year, it has not managed the right-wing populist party Chega (“enough”) for the first time to the Parliament building in Lisbon, a great movement it represents, however. Also helps the Portuguese to cope with the crisis better than many other countries. “There is no-one of the bodies in the explosive Situation with a Corona now with the addition of fireworks to throws,” said Naumann.

Tomorrow, new Corona-the Demos: Who is marching here, actually, for what? FOCUS Online, Tomorrow, new Corona-the Demos: Who is marching here, actually, for what? Covid-19-Experiment in the Restaurant shows that After 30 minutes, shows the Virus on everyone at the table FOCUS Online/Wochit Covid widely used-19-Experiment in the Restaurant: After 30 minutes, the Virus has spread to all at the table The world is better than your bad news – FOCUS Online provides you every Friday with the best stories from the field perspectives. Subscribe here for free Newsletter: