Europe health ! The dream of a health policy, federal is will there be a day ? Chancellor Merkel and president Macron have advanced some tracks of common actions, to be regarded as the beginnings of increased integration in the health systems of countries who would like to shake up old habits and vested interests national level to work together in the organization of prevention and care for all European citizens. But does it stop the sharing of common stocks of masks and testing, to the implementation of common capacities for treatments and vaccines, the launch of prevention plans shared ? We will need Europe to have skills that are much broader and very concrete in terms of health.

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Some areas lend themselves to a more regulation joint, but force is to recognize that nothing was done for the moment on the pretext that the health was not in the prerogatives of the european Union. Create a sanitary area in which the diseases would be fought together, the trauma repaired with the same care, prevention organized in all places and for all, the quality of care provided by professionals and the management of health crises is provided in excess of our selfishness, who will dare to rise against ?

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The training of physicians, pharmacists, nurses and other health professionals must be harmonized both in terms of its academic programs, in its practical training international students in the duration of studies. How to recognize the disparities that we observe from country to country, except to satisfy the university authorities at the regional and national jealous to retain their pre square. Let’s start with those who want to move forward together without waiting for twenty-seven signatures.

A GIGN european health care

The treatment of health crises calls for the incorporation of a Group intervention and management of damage to health, a GIGN european trained health care 500 specialists of major epidemics, industrial accidents, and nuclear, food poisoning and other dramas that cross international borders. Its members, regularly trained and available on-the-field, would be immediately sent to the frontline to assess the situation in order to guide european policymakers in their choice of the most appropriate answer to the dangers. Since the mad cow crisis, the cucumbers, the Spanish taxed of infection with e. coli due to a organic farm German up to the current pandemic through the cloud of Tchernobyl, not a year has passed without at least a warning.

The relevance and the quality of care provided should be assessed in real-time from indicators objective medical data and the experience of the patients analyzed by themselves using the questionnaires regularly sent to them by e-mail .

The weight of the hospitals is to be reduced, to the benefit of the medicine of proximity

The role of nurses as front-line professionals must be massively amplified to meet the demands of patients. The weight of the hospitals is to be reduced, to the benefit of the medicine of proximity, which represents 80% of the care exercised by staff in close partnership. Some countries have done successfully for years, others, including France, which was slow, the mimic.

The medical research can not be satisfied in the national budgets. We will need to significantly increase the financial resources allocated to medical progress in improved collaboration between start-ups, universities, government agencies, and private industry. Europe drags its feet when she has all the talent to flood the world for its innovations. The case of the vaccine of Sanofi comes to caricature at the right moment, our inability to play collectively knowing that the health economy is the future.

also Read Vaccine Covid : the provocation be useful to Sanofi

The industry, both of materials and of medicines will have to completely rethink its modes of production and funding in the direction of a relocation and storage of products as well as a gradual harmonization of its sales prices between european countries with a GDP similar or neighbors. There goes our independence of access to care. To conduct such a policy, the creation of a european agency of health products is required without delay.

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No branch of the economy health will have to escape to a real New Deal-the european health. There goes our independence which we have seen the fragility. Standing Europe health for the well-being of all !

* Guy Vallancien is a member of the Academy of medicine and president of Cham (Convention on Health Analysis and Management).

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