Germany has a Hunger for life, after a life as it was before the Corona pandemic. And even if the first locker is a little out of the ordinary has changed for many people, maybe not everything, but Important. They have lost family members to the Virus. You have lost your Job and your economic security.

With a #corona care have launched Burda forward and the subsidiary companies FOCUS Online, Chip, Netmoms and Finanzen100 a special action, in order to give people at this time support and guidance. With the hymn “Victoriam” and a large Download-action, we also support boards in Germany.

Burda, forward-CEO Oliver Eckert says: “I am impressed with the power set by this pandemic in many people free, from the energy with which you do everything to master the Situation – in Germany and specifically in our company. Therefore, we want to help those that their own strength now, not more.“

If you want to support these people, you can participate in our promotions, which will run until the end of may:

Victoriam – the anthem in the crisis

FOCUS Online, Germany’s bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good cause With “Victoriam” the Cologne-based composer and producer Christoph Siemons created the anthem this time. With orchestra and chorus directed work shows the grim situation and a hopeful path into the future. Only a few hours after his Start on good Friday, the Song climbed to # 1 on the iTunes and Amazon download charts.

100 singers and musicians have recorded the #corona care anthem within two weeks supply from home and sung. Their message is: “Victoriam misericordia – victoriam vitae – omnia speramus”. Humanity will prevail. Together, we will survive this crisis.

With the Song, we are supporting food banks in Germany. Click here to Download. Support panels directly

With the Song “Victoriam” supports #corona care boards in Germany. So you can help boards directly:

  • Berliner Tafel e. V.: Click here
  • Hamburger Tafel e. V. : Click here and enter the purpose of use “corona care”
  • Münchner Tafel e. V. : Click here to play

Useful of Germany’s largest Download Portal download

Also called the CHIP, the Computer and consumer portal, has a fundraiser to boards to life. The CHIP features the biggest download section of Germany and provides the users of the Coronavirus-to-date statistics, check-lists, important information, Apps, and instructions on how to Download.

With every Download on the subject of Corona also CHIP donates to boards, so you can make only with few clicks of a contribution. Whether you need a guide for quick Crafting of masks, or about the upcoming Corona-App of the Federal government, want to learn: All of the has compiled CHIP for the user in the download area. Per Download will be donated following the action, the amount of the boards in Germany. Since the beginning of the fundraiser, over 100,000 Downloads have been triggered until the end of may, you still have time to participate in the action.

  • everyday mask do-it-yourself instructions (PDF)
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ – PDF instruction sheet
  • Corona: Care Germany help (PDF)
  • Corona Song Victoriam
  • Coronavirus-Live-map (world)
  • Coronavirus-Live-map for Germany
  • Corona data donation from the Robert-Koch-Institute – Android App
  • Corona-data donation from the Robert-Koch-Institut, iPhone- / iPad-App
  • Corona immediately help you get the money from the state (PDF)

In June, we want to pass the donation to the food banks. Here, we will also talk about where every penny comes to the needy is Good.