Global “unprecedented crisis”, “crater-shaped hole in the European economy”: the UN and the EU warn heavily against the economic consequences of the Corona pandemic. For Germany, there is praise.

The world economy groaning under the consequences of the Corona-pandemic . Both the UN and the EU Commission see the dramatic consequences, such as high-level representatives explain. For Germany’s economic policy in the crisis, there is praise from the EU Commission. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures.

New York/Brussels – The world economy is in the Corona-crisis in front of a fraction unangeahnten scale: According to the UN, could, for the first time decline ever since three decades, as measured by “degree of human development”. The EU searches on the right economic course. For the German policy, there is the unusual praise – European companies but are more in the focus of China as a current example shows.

Coronavirus meets world economy: UN fears decline in the “level of human development”

The message of the United Nations on Wednesday sound, in any case, drastically. The degree of human development could fall according to their data, this year for the first Time ever – due to the Corona-crisis. The UN development Agency UNDP made for it on Wednesday, above all, a deep economic recession and the closure of educational institutions.

According to UNDP estimates, 60 percent of elementary school students around the world at the moment no lessons – as many as since the eighties, not more. The Situation in the developing countries is significantly worse than in industrial Nations. The Agency spoke of an “unprecedented crisis”.

“The world has seen in the last 30 years, many crises, including the global financial crisis in 2007 to 2009. Each has made the human development of hard, but overall, there has been a worldwide been compared to the previous year, development gains,“ said UNDP chief Achim Steiner . Because of the setbacks in the areas of health, education and income in the Corona-crisis, it could come now, but for the first Time, to a decrease.

Corona: EU recommends investments for economic Council also applies for Germany

The EU Commission recommends to the member States under whose hefty investments. In their published Wednesday by the economic policy recommendations, she recommends: investments prefer, and only in the medium term on sound public finances ensure. This recommendation also applies for Germany, sharp falls in tax revenue in Spite of.

The Commission regularly publishes targeted recommendations to all EU-countries , to coordinate the economic and financial policy. This time you are in the Corona of a crisis. You should also have a role in the planned billion-dollar program to economic recovery that aims to present to the Commission next week to play. It is argued in the EU, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron presented the auxiliary program. In the past few weeks, bond was to go overboard on so-called Corona fighting.

Coronavirus: “crater-shaped hole in the economy” – EU warns the Commission and the praises Germany

“The Coronavirus has hit us like an Asteroid and has left a crater-shaped hole in the European economy,” said responsible for economic Affairs Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis . Individual States and sectors are affected differently. But the economy is so intertwined that the recovery in the individual countries directly to other by beat. Need a targeted and coordinated response was.

+ EU Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis©chose on Wednesday a drastic words for the economic situation in Europe.AFP / JOHN THYS

Dombrovskis said that the Commission wants to keep the deficits in the state house in the eye, no criminal keep, for the time being, but actions. Monetary Affairs Commissioner, Paolo Gentiloni, said the message was clear: “take all necessary measures to address the pandemic effectively, to maintain the economy and to support the subsequent recovery.”

Germany is attested in the countries-recommendations for a strong response to the crisis and a good health. Nevertheless, the Commission sees a need to strengthen the health system . Generally speaking, the invitation to Berlin, public investment, prefer, and private investment support is, especially in green and digital projects, clean energy, sustainable transport, housing, education, research and better Online services of authorities.

Coronavirus: China adopts European company into the visor – now participation in Norwegian

the European economy is still in turmoil, shows, meanwhile, also this message from Wednesday: A from the Chinese state-controlled leasing group is a major shareholder of the ailing low-cost airline Norwegian Air Shuttle . The aviation, deutsche Lufthansa, are massively affected by the crisis.

BOC Aviation has in the future a share of 12,67 per cent of the Airline, such as those announced on Wednesday. The largest shareholder is. therefore, with 15.9 per cent, the Irish leasing company AerCap Holdings, which has purchased convertible bonds in addition, a further 7.2 per cent Norwegian was one of the first low-cost airline that offered long-distance.

another well-known victim of the economic Corona was most recently the U.S. Shoe chain “Runners Point” – the consequences are also felt in Germany. Is being debated in this country, the dealings of the company with dividends in the case of simultaneous state aid.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.