In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern were gemeldetet no new diseases. A on Wednesday from the district of Rostock, vermeldeter case has not been confirmed, which is why the number of people Infected fell in the state even. It is the second Time since the beginning of the pandemic, that of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania reports no new Infected. Number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in Germany rise to 177.183, 8201 deaths

here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 34.212 (1684 deaths)
  • Bavaria: 46.268 (2370 deaths)
  • Berlin: 6582 (190 deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 3224 (167 deaths)
  • Bremen: 1276 (38 deaths)
  • Hamburg: 5051 (239 deaths)
  • Hesse: 9574 (451 deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 762 (20 deaths)
  • lower Saxony: 11.399 (570 deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 36.893 (1545 deaths)
  • Rheinland-Pfalz: 6562 (224 deaths)
  • Saarland: 2676 (162 deaths)
  • Saxony: 5194 (202 deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 1693 (54 deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 3021 (134 deaths)
  • Thüringen: 2796 (151 deaths)

total (as of 21.05., 20.07 PM): 177.183 (8201 deaths)

yesterday ( Stand-20.05., 20.18 PM): 176.486 (8120 deaths)

a source to the numbers Infected and death: country health and social ministries.

The number of the Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 158,000.

Current from the RKI reported reproduction number: 0,89 (as of 21.05.)

All further developments of the pandemic, you read in the news Ticker of FOCUS Online.
