Idyll on the ball man: to celebrate Where else do thousands of beer and Sangria to the sound of Hits like “Saufi saufi” and “All Blue”, is heard these days only the birds chirping. And the waves of the Mediterranean sea noise. However, in the case of Hoteliers, restaurateurs and merchants the alarm bells to ring. For example, in the case of Joan, the runs on the Playa a souvenir. “As bad as I had imagined the consequences of the Corona-pandemic never,” he complains. “If that’s true, then good night Playa, then 70 percent here, close.”

“that,” says the Mallorcan, the news of the past few days. The Central government in Madrid warned that the tourism will come in across the country, the welfare of all, at the earliest, the end of the year again. According to a forecast by the industry Association Exceltur about Mallorca will lose because of the pandemic this year, more than 95 percent of the tourist revenue. This is a lot of money: € 13.5 billion.

Reported corona virus cases in Germany (click on your state)

Spain loss of 124 billion Euro.

only threatens “the 17. State,” the German’s favourite island, must tremble in the particularly difficult by the Coronavirus taken in Spain. The tourism sector in the country income in the total amount of 124 billion euros and threaten to escape. But while tourism makes up twelve percent of the gross domestic product of Spain for the Balearic Islands 45 percent. Almost 20 percent of all employed persons work in Mallorca in tourism.

“celebrating the ball man?”, the “Mallorca Zeitung asked in big letters”. The Party was over, for many entrepreneurs it is now “a matter of Survival”. The weekly paper cited in the most recent issue of Christophorus Heufken, operates in Artà, in the North of the island – far away from the ball man – a small Boutique Hotel, with the statement: “in fact, we are broke!”. The 61-Year-old from the Ruhr area looks pessimistic in the future. The uncertainty of when the topic of travel will also exist after the end of the output restrictions and the opening of borders to foreigners for a long time, he fears.

Just as it looks Hotelier colleague Harald Strombeck, in the North of Mallorca, three Hostels with a total of 160 employees. “No one will travel so fast”. Because of the restrictions, for fear of contagions and also because many people in Spain, Germany and the UK will be missing due to crisis and short-time work the necessary money. More to the Coronavirus

mega Park and Bierkönig hope for financial aid

It was a “disaster”, a spokesman for the ball man-the cult restaurant “mega Park” which had to cancel as the great competitor to the “king of beer” these days, the more days of the opening of the season whizzing complains. The fate of these “Big players” that can bring the ball man, with performances by island celebrities like Tim Toupet, Mia Julia and Peter wobble to the quake, will be for the future of the Playa is crucial, believes the “Mallorca newspaper”: “Should honor the government – for whatever reason – these two large companies, financial aid administrator, then it could be the ball man to happen”, according to the forecast of the sheet.

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Not only is the ball man. The left-wing regional government anticipates a decline in the gross national product, on the Islands in all sectors of the economy of around 31 percent. That would mean a loss of around 30 percent of the jobs, more than 147,000 jobs will be lost in the Wake of the crisis in sectors such as tourism, the hospitality industry and the transport sector.

politician calls for electronic health passports, and temperature measurements at the airport

regional President Francina Armengol wants to reactivate the industry as quickly as possible, and calls for, among other things, the introduction of electronic health passports in the whole of Europe, as well as measurements of the body temperature of passengers at airports and ports to prevent the entry of Corona-prevent Infected and Locals, as well as to offer travelers more security.

The socialist politician has every reason to Worry. The island threatened to degenerate due to pandemic and Lockdown to the poor house, warns Toni Bauzá of the auxiliary organization Tardor. “The number of needy families who turn to us, has reported in the crisis, tripled,” he said. Before the eating of the organization’s boards were longer and longer queues, wrote the “Diario de Mallorca”. The Catholic charity Caritas reported a significant increase in poverty.

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Need to reconsider consumption model and more on sustainability

It is meanwhile quite possible that some of the locals also Positive to the Virus, despite the more than 150 Corona-dead in the Balearic Islands and the economic crisis. The Balearic Minister for tourism Iago Negueruela, for example, had had in his campaign against the “binge of extremism” has so far been rather little success. Or those who organise Demos against mass tourism and on the walls Graffiti such as “Tourism kills the city” or “Tourists go home!” spray. The Virus could facilitate the desired shift away from mass tourism.

But also a top Executive, such as Gabriel Escarrer, President of the Spain’s leading hotel chain Melià, not only looks black: “One of the few good things of this crisis is that we rethink our consumption model and for sustainability to be used.”

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  • In Germany just decided to take the first tentative easing in the Corona-crisis. Sweden will perhaps soon go the opposite way and restrictions of public life to arrange. The permissive line of the Scandinavians calls for a great many victims. More you can read here.
