humanity must learn to live long-term with the coronavirus ? According to the world health Organization, the virus may ” never go away “. At a time when countries begin to lift gradually the restrictions imposed to try to curb the epidemic which appeared in December in China, and while the global footprint approach of the 300 000 dead, the WHO has launched on Wednesday an alarming message.

“We have a new virus that enters the human population for the first time and therefore, it is very difficult to say when we will be able to defeat it,” said Michael Ryan, director of the issues of health emergencies in the WHO, during a virtual press conference in Geneva. “This virus could become endemic in our communities, it may never go away,” insisted Michael Ryan.

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Another concern, a study shows that the coronavirus could be transmitted not only through coughing or sneezing, but even by the word. The microdroplets of saliva generated by the word may remain suspended in the air of an enclosed space for more than ten minutes, according to an experiment published Wednesday in the journal PNAS, and highlights the likely role of the microdroplets in the pandemic of Covid-19.

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