The decision is open to debate. The prefect of Haute-Savoie will sign a decree to allow the slaughter, by the end of June, twenty ibexes present in the chain of the Bargy. The measure is part of the framework of the fight against brucellosis, a bacterium that is very present in these animals. As reported by France Bleu pays de Savoie, brucellosis could contaminate the sheep and cattle of the region and jeopardizing milk production, and in particular the sector of reblochon. Fifty other ibex, and will be also captured, but will not be slaughtered if they test positive.

The local media especially remember an episode difficult for a dairy producer from the commune of Grand-Bornand, who had seen in 2012 his production destroyed after a herd of cattle had been contaminated with brucellosis. To combat the transmission of the disease, 482 ibex have been shot down since 2012, according to the associations of defence of the animal, classified as a protected species.

150 additional animals slaughtered-so-positive

The prefecture of Haute-Savoie has also requested a waiver of the protection of the ibex, and for three years, between 2020 and 2022. A new margin of maneuver that would allow the capture of 150 additional animals, and their slaughter, if they are tested positive for brucellosis. Sixty others will also be able to be killed without first being captured. Will be referred to those that will be in inaccessible areas. The prefecture has opened a public consultation on its website until 20 may, in justifying this plan by the fear of a ” significant risk of a resumption of the contagion and transmission to the rest of the wildlife and domestic “. According to France Bleu, a female ibex has been tested positive to brucellosis in the spring of 2019, just as a buff last October.

Read also Kervasdoué – a Few truths on biodiversity

According to the associations defending animals, the LPO and France Nature Environment, animals sound, however, could be shot down, because the rate of contamination within the chain of the Bargy would not exceed 20 %. The national Council of nature protection has issued a negative opinion to this slaughter without test, as reminded by the local media.

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