The car chugs slowly up the hill. Then white steam rising over the hood up – the cooling water is boiling. There is the case of modern cars, or there is a worry of yesterday?

Stuttgart (dpa/tmn) – problems with the cooling system are some of the drivers from earlier times is well known. “In the meantime, such problems are rather rare,” says Marcus Constantin by the expert organisation Dekra.

nevertheless, it could, in principle, but also to Overheating of the cooling system.

The causes are diverse: for example, the failure of the coolant pump, a faulty Thermostat or a leak in the cooling system resulting in coolant at least.

Sensors in the System

In a modern vehicle monitor capture usually Sensors is a Minimum, or an Overtemperature in the coolant. Errors lamps and control messages to warn the driver. Should this be the case, then Action is fastest necessary to avoid larger damage to the engine due to Overheating.

“When you Open the filler lid is attached due to the high pressure and the hot coolant with the utmost caution,” warns a vehicle expert and expert Constantin from the risk of severe scalding. The notes in the operating instructions of the vehicle should be strictly observed.

if Necessary, water from the tap or the bottle

To drive to the nearest workshop also meets the bottle today is still the Replenishment of pure water from the faucet, the watering can at the gas station, or of any entrained water. Also distilled water can be used for this purpose.

“he Who does not know exactly which coolant may be filling, it should leave this to the professionals in the workshop,” advises Marcus Constantin. Background: Due to the different materials of the engine components, there are many different, tailored to the specific requirements of coolant. One uses the wrong means can result in serious damage to the engine.

applies Regardless of always: coolant must meet basic requirements, such as Frost and corrosion protection, in addition, you should be in a certain ratio with water mixed and often mixed are introduced.