The new road traffic act is in the first three weeks in power – now Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer wants to take stiffer penalties for traffic offenders to the part back. According to information from the German press Agency, the Ministry of the CSU-politician is working on the Revision of a part of the fine catalog.

This is the rule that is now already a month driving threatens to ban if you are driving urban 21 kilometers per hour too fast or extra-urban 26 km/h. This scheme was “disproportionate”, it said in the Ministry.

driving ban threatens: Trouble in car drivers

This is drivers worry a lot of excitement in the car, is it in the Ministry. Compared to FOCUS Online, the Ministry of transport confirmed plans for the Change, but stressed that this should be done in consultation with the Federal Council. Moreover, they do not appear immediately, but only in the case of the next amendment; this, however, could be already adopted in the summer. This means: Currently, the new, for car drivers, more stringent conditions apply, so for the time being.

pressure from Online Petition

The partial turn-in of the Ministry came to be, apparently, primarily by complaints of many motorists. The automobile club “Mobil in Deutschland” had been reached with a Petition against the massively more stringent penalty Reform, a significant Quorum. The Club had launched an Online Petition, addressed to the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. After planned a 50,000 signatories by the end of the year the inlet was much bigger than we thought: Over 150,000 supporters of the Petition in the meantime. Here, the Auto-Newsletter

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With a Change in the level of acceptance among the citizens, as well as the “justice should perceive to be” again, it was said from Berlin. What is planned in Detail, is open. The Ministry is received on the lander, in order to obtain their for the implementation of necessary approval, it said. According to information from FOCUS Online, only the more stringent ban on driving should be barriers on the existing level reduced, while the fines, in turn, could even go up a little further, about 80 euros, plus a driving ban, for an excess of 21 km/h on a minimum of 100 Euro. The car club “Mobil in Deutschland” had already indicated that in principle he was against an increase in fines.

the Amendments to The road traffic regulations had come into force at the end of April. The Federal Council had increased in February Scheuers template in many points, among other things, the rule to ban for speeders. Scheuer had been set by the amended regulation still in force – the Alternative would have been, you first withdraw.

Another car club supports Amendments

Also Germany’s oldest automobile club “automobilclub von Deutschland” (AvD) stood behind the Minister Scheuer. “It is not Linden’s good that the Federal Minister of transport ignored the voices of the critics and is ready to once again check whether the tightening of the fine catalog have become the requirements of the doctrine of the mean,“ says the AvD-Secretary-General Lutz Leif. “For the automobile club of Germany, transport safety is a Central concern. But that a Penalties no deterrent effect, has already proven the last few years in the past Revision of the fine catalog. There is a lack, rather, on checks, the existing rules of the road drivers to force, but also to cyclists and pedestrians, enforce. Only positive effects on the General traffic safety,” says Lutz Leif Linden. System made for VW-Disaster: This is what happens when you press the emergency button in the car FOCUS Online System made for VW-Disaster: This is what happens when the emergency button in the car press

New cyclist protection measures remain

the focus of the new rules of the road is actually the better protection of cyclists, especially in towns and cities; these rules should not be changed in the context of the Review but even. Among other things, cars are not allowed to stop on Bicycle protective strip so far, only the Parking was prohibited there but allowed. For Overtaking of cyclists 28 since. April, a minimum required level of 1.50 meters, with the urban and two metres in non-urban areas. Trucks over 3.5 tons must about the urban fuel when turning right, step speed, if wheel or foot traffic must be expected.

numerous restrictions in the fine catalogue – such as the threat of a driving ban as of 21 km/h above the allowed speed, in addition to 80 Euro fine and a point in the fitness to drive, the registry, so in “Flensburg”. So far, the driving licence withdrawal threatened in the case of a single breach from 31 km/h in town and 41 km/h outside.

fines, increased

more to fast Driving was with the Change. Urban and extra-urban to double the possible fines of up to 20-km/h mark. Up to 10 km/h too fast in urban areas now threaten 30 Euro, up to 15 km/h 50 Euro and up to 20 km/h to 70 euros. About everything remains as it is. Outside of the cities, there are now 20, 40 and 60 Euro.

in addition to the Autocubs ADAC, mobile in Germany and AvD also parties such as the FDP and AfD had criticized some of the new rules to be unbalanced or excessive. Another aggravation came, however, in the case of almost all good: if you drive in a traffic jam illegally through an emergency lane for emergency vehicles, can be ban with up to 320 Euro fine, a month of driving and two points punished. So far, a penalty was threatened only when motorists were no place for an emergency lane. Also, this tightening is to maintain the Minister Scheuer, according to information from FOCUS Online, in any case.

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