Here the 1 is. May a legal holiday

of The 1. May, “labor day”, is in the whole of Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Austria, Belgium and Parts of Switzerland a legal holiday.

the first day in the month of may is celebrated in many countries. So, among other things, Finland, Russia, France, Italy and Portugal have on the first of may is a public holiday.

Coronavirus: This year will be no demonstrations on 1. May

In the year 2020, it is due to the Coronavirus, no rallies and demonstrations for the 1. May, give. The infection protection of the population have priority. However, are planned in some cities, such as Berlin and Hamburg alternative actions.

Also, the German trade Union Federation (DGB), organised since its Foundation in 1949, with annual protests on the “day of work” to plant this year to keep “decency gap”. Instead of demonstrations this year there will be a live stream on 1. May from 11 am on the website of the DGB, Facebook and YouTube. The event will be moderated by Katrin Bauerfeind and Timm Steinborn.

  • recommended reading: “cops on wrong foot catch”: What is Autonomous in spite of the Corona for 1. May plan

Tag to work: 1. May no accident date

you look at the history of the day of the work, to understand, even for the choice of the date for this holiday.

  • . Century. The industrial workers were suffering at the time under poor working conditions and low wages. In 1886 the trade called therefore, and labour unions to a multi-day General strike to on 1. In may of this year. The main objective is the reduction of working time to eight hours a day was.

  • reason for the choice of the date is the fact that at that time in the United States, respectively, to the 1 was.May old contracts expired, new ones were closed. Therefore, the 1 was.May at that time also “Moving Day”.

  • Approximately 400,000 Employees from 11,000 Farms were involved on the first day of the General strike. With the strike were the working city of Chicago. There it came on the third day of the General strike during a rally to bloody clashes between protesters and the police. Trigger a cluster bomb, which was thrown on the police officers was. There were many Dead and wounded.

  • Finally, the trade unions achieved in the implementation of your claim. From 1. May, 1890, was in the USA, the 8-hour working day.

1. May in Germany – a long rings

After the workers had set up in the United States, was the 1. May in Germany and Europe at the day of the working class for the 8-hour day.

  • In Germany, there was the so-called “socialist law”. The decree of 1878, under all of the socialist, social democratic and Communist meetings said, if the social situation is taken under fire, or if the political System was in doubt.

  • were Still on 1. May 1890, 100,000 workers in cities such as Berlin, Hamburg and Dresden on the road. The strike in Hamburg, pulled up in the summer, temporarily 20,000 workers and work involved on the inside of it – however, they could not enforce the 8-hour day. Was only in the year 1918.

  • The social democratic party of Germany (SPD) fought in the years after the first strikes about the 1. May as a statutory public holiday. Only in 1919 was it then so far: The national Assembly of the Weimar Republic stated the 1. May the “day of work” and in Germany to the statutory holiday. However, not forever, but only for the said year 1919. In the following years of the day of work, not only in Lübeck, Saxony, and Schaumburg-Lippe was a legal holiday.

  • Even if it was not an official holiday, was the day of work now that the unions may day parties, and political action

  • As a permanent and nationwide statutory holiday, the national socialists called the 1. May, in the year 1933 as the “holiday of National labour” from.

  • after the end of the 2. World war and the division of Germany into four zones of occupation kept the victorious powers, the 1. May as labour day and a public holiday in.

  • Interesting that the 1 is. May is in his country of origin USA not an official holiday. The “labor Day”, so labour day, is celebrated on the first Monday in September.

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