” gaps, tensions, but never break. “The head of State summed up the procurement policy in masks conducted by the government since the beginning of the epidemic. In a report aired Monday night on BFM TV, Emmanuel Macron therefore persists, despite the numerous criticism from all political sides on the specific issue of the masks, first limited before be encouraged and even mandatory in sensitive places.

Read also Coignard – Municipal : your masks, loans…

“things have been say, managed,” he says. There has been a doctrine of restrictive to never be in that break that the government has taken and which, I think, was the right one. Then there was a supply of enhanced and production increased. “Acknowledging mistakes, Emmanuel Macron ensures, however, to its critics :” And we have never been in a break. What is true is that there have been gaps, tensions, this is what you will need to look for to fix it and prevent it. “

Read also Delhommais – In search of the lost trust

“Contempt, denial, arrogance…”

the next day, this sentence has aroused the indignation of a number of political figures and on the social networks, the short preview video over the million views on Twitter. As explained BFM TV Marine Le Pen quickly denounced “a provocative unbearable” being outraged : “How can the president dare say this while his government has LIED about the usefulness of the masks just to hide the shortage ? “

also Read Coronavirus : the industry to the aid of the Emmanuel Macron

Jordan Bardella, also of the national Gathering, considered that Emmanuel Macron “loose a real bomb” : “They have DELIBERATELY created this shortage, and voluntarily declined to give masks to those who needed ? “Nicolas Dupont-Aignan accuses his side the head of the State to rewrite the Story while Eric Ciotti (LR) is merely a nasty” He dared ! “

To the left also, critics abound. As spotted BFM TV, the member of BIA Danielle Obono is outraged on Twitter : “So much contempt, denial, arrogance… It is beyond words, understanding. It is another world, another galaxy. Terrifying. “While the official account of the communist Party summarizes its analysis in only two words :” The denial. “

writing will advise you

– associated Coronavirus : evidence for the hamsters that masks are effective