Finished the certification mandatory, also came to the limit of one hour and one kilometer for each output : the skyline of the joggers has expanded. For bicyclists, they can walk freely, and more just to get to work. If any gathering is limited to ten people, it is better still to practise in individual these two activities.

The Sports ministry has enacted “a distance of ten metres should be maintained between two people” who make the race on foot or bike, distance to about five meters for a brisk walk. Hiking is therefore a priori possible in the space allowed, less than 100 km away from home. For activities that are static, such as the fitness or yoga, count 4 m2 of space per person, always in the open air, and at least ten practitioners.


In a first time, group sports, or combat, that involve contacts, remain banned. The ministry of Sports, it is explained that it is necessary to adapt the practice and find a way to respect the distances, and gestures barriers.

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Yes, to pass, with the ball, but no football matches to five friends. The door remains closed in judo, karate or any other martial art, and boxing, face-to-face. But a boxing coach can still take a handful of practitioners in the park, it was reopened, to make the jump rope and practice the right moves.

Tennis and golf under conditions

A game of tennis is permitted since Monday, but only in simple and short ” totally discovered “. The practitioners are called upon to arrive already dressed for not to go through the locker room, clean benches and chairs with a disinfecting product, and each player will be required to serve with his own balls, marked with a distinctive sign. Golf courses can also re-open. But a maximum of four golfers per party is permitted, at three meters of distance, and each with his or her equipment.

Beaches and lakes on a case-by-case

The pressure of the elected representatives of the coast has finally paid off. While the access to the beaches and lakes should remain prohibited, the prefects will be able to authorize at the request of the mayors.

also Read ” The Team “, the life without sport

Saturday, the FFSurf stated that numerous meetings were planned for the end of the week between the town councils and prefectures, and has asked its athletes to ” respect the work of the mayors of the municipalities involved. Which are going to need a few days in which to submit and accept their device for an access authorization to the beach, and for the recovery of the surfing activity “.


The centres will be able to reopen their facilities in the open air, indicates the ministry of Sports at the Agence France-Presse.

Gradually for the motor sports

On paper, the enthusiasts of auto, motorcycle and karting, licensed or not, may again drive on the track, and the outdoor runs. Their opening, however, will be gradual, the managers of the circuits until specific instructions of the ministry, and sometimes products or material ordered to comply with the gestures barriers. “The test runs will not start until you will not be able to apply sanitary measures drastic “, is for ” 8-10 days “, warns, for example, Pascal Desplanques, head of the circuits automobiles LFG, at La Ferté-Gaucher (Seine-et-Marne).

The host venues (restaurants, bars, locker rooms) remain closed. The briefings will be conducted either virtually or in outside. Practitioners are encouraged to use their own protective equipment (helmet, gloves,…). Those who use the equipment loan shall bear charlotte, a mask or balaclava, and disposable gloves and materials shall be disinfected after each use.

In the club, possible but very complicated

In France, sports associations are permitted to resume activities for their members, but in adapting itself to all the restrictions. In the open air, not more than ten, without access to the dressing rooms and without contacts. In these conditions, “everything that relates to children is going to be very difficult to organise, but the clubs are going to imagine things,” says the co-chair of the Federation of sports and gymnastic du travail (FSGT), Emmanuelle Bonnet-Oulaldj.

” The recommendations (…) are complex to organise, and in some clubs, impossible to put in place “, also note that the medical board of the athletics federation, which has expressed reservations. And ” it is also necessary that the equipment “, often managed by municipalities, “to be open,” warns the president of the federation, André Giraud, according to which ” nothing will work well until at least the beginning of the month of June “.

progressive Reopening of the Insep and Creps

The Insep and Creps, which lead to the most top-level athletes, will reopen gradually, but it will ” take a few days to two weeks “, says the ministry of Sports to Agence France-Presse, noting that a circular is in preparation.

At the Insep, is explained to be in ” working order “. The institute of the wood of Vincennes expected, however, ” the publication of the circular before welcoming the athletes on site “, and a list of athletes a priority from the national Agency for sport (YEARS). A decree published Monday in the official Journal allows athletes to resume training in the establishments covered, with the exception of sports and fighting. The limit of grouping by ten people does not apply to these activities.

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Déconfinement : the sport, the great forgotten ?