move to The fee increase due to the Corona-crisis? From the SPD a clear message comes after this proposal to the Union.

The licence fee will be increased in 2021. The Commission of experts recommends. Specifically, the proposal is not decided yet.

Update from 19. May : It is a clear reminder, to vote together with the my AfD (such as the Thuringia-scandal*): The SPD has warned the CDU prior to the planned increase of the broadcasting fee together with the AfD in one or several country failure. Earlier, a group of Union Bundestag members had requested to postpone the fee increase because of the Corona-crisis* .

the parliamentary Manager of The SPD group in the Bundestag, Carsten Schneider , told the Saarbrücker Zeitung: “the vote on The licence fee will be in all countries a litmus test of how serious it is for the CDU with the demarcation.”. Some of the CDU land associations in East Germany “wiggle in the direction of the AfD,” said the SPD politician.

fee increases were never popular. But the planned increase is very well justified. She had been the first for eleven years, and by an independent Commission recommended. And: “Especially in times like these recycled facts and well-paid, professionally-trained journalists are seriously extremely important,” says Schneider.

GEZ-Hammer decided: the broadcasting fee is set to increase substantially – a barrier, however, remains

Update from the 12. March : The monthly licence fee in Germany $ 17.50 to 18,36 EUR . The Prime Minister seized on Thursday a decision on a draft – and now the country should be governed, parliaments first of all, pre -, and later, you must still agree. the
original message from 20. February: Berlin – The licence fee is to rise from the point of view of an expert Commission to January 2021. From next year, the levy instead of the currently monthly 17,50 Euro should correspond to then 18,36 Euro – this represents an increase of 86 cents. You could transfer in the future, so a year to 10.32 euros more in broadcasting fees.

+ The licence fee should be increased to 2021.©dpa / Tobias Hase

broadcasting contribution fee will be increased: KEF makes a recommendation

The Commission the determination of the financial needs of broadcasters (KEF) handed over in Berlin on Thursday its report with this recommendation to the länder which have not in the case of the last word and still have to decide.

The area of competence of the KEF is in addition to the satellite radiance above all, to check the financial needs of public broadcasting in Germany and in the land parliaments to recommend the fixing of the broadcasting contribution. Legal basis of the Whole of the financing of broadcasting state Treaty, which regulates on the one hand, the amount of the contribution and on the other hand, the distribution of the funds.

broadcasting post: 2015 dropped – significantly

on the Part of the KEF is convinced that, with the increase of the broadcasting contribution sufficient funding is secured. The Chairman, Heinz Fischer-Heidlberger requested by the respective countries, therefore, the Whole is rapidly implemented.

social media immediately speculations were, according to what is happening now with the additional revenue. The ideas of Twitter users “Der_Matten” remains but seems to be only a reverie.

In April of 2015, the licence fee was dropped the first of 17.98 euros to 17.50 euros. Since then there have been no Changes, but now it’s time to give the next adjustment.

With the help of a voice from the AfD, the SPD was-a politician 2. Mayor-elected – the party of exclusion threatens him.
