On Monday we go: In Freising, Upper main street, will begin Work on the redesign of the city centre, with the Opening of the town of Moosach. The information about road closures and detours, click here.

Freising–here we go: The town of Freising begins in the Upper main street with the redesign of the city centre, with the Opening of the town of Moosach. This is starting this Monday, 25. In may, the locked entrance to the upper main street of Karl Wirt intersection for vehicles of all kinds. Here is the most important information at a glance.

in and out. . .

The access is done exclusively via station road, which changes with the beginning of the Change of the traffic routing, the prescribed direction of travel. The exit will be available exclusively through arbitration reck and brick lane possible. The vast majority of Upper main street and is thus a cul-de-SAC with very limited load areas.

caution: For larger vehicles, no turning is possible. To – and departures to be limited to the absolutely necessary service and delivery traffic. The pedestrian access to the buildings and shops is ensured over the entire construction period, the Cycling and pedestrian traffic can always happen. “Cyclists must dismount to construction progress in the area of the construction sites for security reasons”, informs the town hall.

The driveway to the Northern side of the streets, so to Stieglbräu and cooking bakers ‘ street, will, depending on the construction progress – for as long as possible to maintain. Off the Top of the trench, the streets can be approached at any time.

Start in the cul-de-SAC

access from the Upper main road in the cul-de-SAC is 25. May no longer be possible: The residents of the cul-de-SAC expected to use up to October, the specially-made, temporary access from locust street. In the confluence area of the cul-de-SAC in the upper main street start in the next-to-last week of may with heavy equipment, the laying of saving cables and installation work for the securing of a Foundation pit for the construction of the so-called “Moosach channel” required: will be Installed an elaborate water so that the water in the Moosach in can be routed to a High waterfall around the building site. Day-to-day water management of the Moosach takes place later in a pipe through the site. In order to protect the excavation against the Ingress of ground water, the sheet piles placed in the ground. In sensitive areas of special structure are used already at the end of the procedure. In total, six sections are formed with a length of about 25 to 50 meters, each construction phase will take about twelve weeks of construction to complete. The Work towards the town, towards the East (shepherd leather lane) be driven forward.

In the pit itself are first terminated the existing, in need of remediation, embankment walls and new bezels replaced. These new banks are founded through the walls and bored piles. The area between the cul-de-SAC and shepherd leather lane is again “capped”, i.e. closed, made. to know ft


the town of Moosach in the main road section between shepherd leather lane and station road in the four areas of different size to a total of approximately 85 metres in length, is Opened. Width of seat levels are levels with wood paneling and staircase there to accompany you. Current information is available online on the page of the city of Freising.