Wake up! It takes quite a while, until the political Berlin realized what was happening in the far Schwerin. The Left-wing politician Barbara Borchardt was elected to the constitutional judge in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This smells like a clear case of “poacher turned gamekeeper”. As always it is “would people Bock” then. The 64-Year-old is, in fact, in your state, not only a member of the “anti-capitalist Left”, which is observed at the Federal level from the protection of the Constitution, but you want it to stay that way. In Meck-Pomm, the consortium is not going to observed finally by the Constitution of the conservationists, let Borchardt know.

The criticism of the choice of the 64-Year-olds is growing. Also a CDU member of Parliament supported Borchardt in the Schwerin state Parliament, so that it was sufficient in the second ballot the required Two-thirds majority. You have to think of it, apparently, as a classic political Deal with the SPD candidates received in the case of the judge-elections only the necessary votes of the Left, because their candidate was, in turn, supported by the SPD and the Union. Barter of this kind in the New countries is always necessary, in order to prevent paralysis. Only the prize this time is unacceptably high.

FOCUS Online Margarete van Ackerens Berlin week

“anti-capitalist Left” in the visor of the Constitution, protector

A constitutional judge, in the case of serious doubt, which the Constitution wants to protect, exactly, is an absolute No-Go. Since it makes no difference whether it is a candidate from the right-most or left-most corner.

The “anti-capitalist Left” (AKL) is organized since 2012 as the Federal Association of the party “The Left” and calls for a “fundamental change of system”, as well as the Overcoming of the “existing capitalist order of society” by a “rupture with the capitalist ownership structures”. To read in the recent report of the Constitution protectors, page 162. The have, therefore, asked the working group to “Watch”.

Borchardt to the Constitution, a judge selected CSU with fierce criticism

It is indicative of the way in a CSU man, the most clear among all the leading politicians of the Union has positioned. “Who is the enemy of the Constitution, cannot be a guardian of the Constitution – this is schizophrenic,” tweeted CDU General Secretary Markus flower. Only: The man has a good and free talk. Because the Christian social in the New countries are not present, stay away from the perverse pressures of the power to bring conditions in the East of the moderate parties, spared.

And it also speaks volumes that FDP General Secretary Linda Teuteberg denounced now sharp is a “trivialisation of the GDR-dictatorship”. Also, you can undisturbed represented the pure doctrine: The liberals are not represented in the state Parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and must take any rear views of colleagues, the “on-site” from difficult makes the Best (or the least Bad) circumstances must make. How it may look, if your party has in a province in the East of shares, was able to learn the FDP-tip painful in Thuringia, her husband, Thomas Kemmerich, with AfD votes for the short-term Prime Minister was elected. Just has them Kemmerich again interference from Berlin, when it came to his participation in a dubious Demo.

“this does not concern you, dammit, you have no idea!”

Such is the case of the red judge again shows the consequences of very serious and very large principle problem: In the new countries, the extreme forces shape the political landscape of that without having to move them is almost nothing. Politicians such as Thuringia, former Minister-President Christine Lieberknecht (CDU), lamenting with a growing anger that colleagues from the West straddle because sometimes noble, but at the end of the purely theoretical objections in. It, too, belongs to the actors, have them Wessi-interference sharp. The message of the East to the West is in the core is always the same: “this does not concern you, dammit, you have no idea!”

The extent of the problem in the Winter, as the CDU Chairman Annegret Kramp-tried Karrenbauer in Erfurt, drift party of friends on a reputable course with a strict distance to the right as to commit to the left edge. The thing was known to be wrong. Also, for the party boss himself.

dpa/Bodo Schackow/dpa-Central picture/dpa document of a taboo break: of Thuringia, the AfD-Chef Björn Höcke (R) congratulates Thomas Kemmerich (FDP), according to his choice.

The price is high, even for Wessis

And so, 30 years after the fall of the wall comes to light, always open a deep divide between the East and the West. The price is damn high, not only for the East but for the country as a whole.

the reasons for research results not only to the great questions of East German biographies or DDR-education, but also to smaller issues with significant consequences.

Kretschmer is impatient

For many, many years, for example, the CDU promises in Party manifestos and speeches (“he Who works should have more than the one that is not working …”) have an answer for people, who, despite decades of use in family or Job only with Mini-pensions home. As in the previous autumn in three New countries have been elected, the top candidates to the fact that, finally, movement in the project “basic pension” would come. What they experienced however, was a single Move, and Put off. The reasons have changed over the years from time to time, however, the result was the same: From Berlin, by the Federal government, came to nothing.

As Saxony’s Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmer (CDU), warned only a few days ago: “We must stop to discuss the basic pension again and again.” Yet his words had little impact.

“Look West” has a high price.

What this has to do with a possibly extreme left-wing constitutional judge? With a view on the core topic of zero, with views of the causes of political alienation, the conditions and the difficult Majority in the East on the basis of a whole lot, but. The choice of the red judge is yet another warning shot. A by now very, very many. Take the important Wessis in Parliament and the policy of the Easterners and their concerns in everyday life is more serious, then the confidence in a moderate policy, which is beyond doubt would be greater.

As regarded the election of the Left politician, Barbara Borchardt to the Constitution, a judge is in the East, is also the result of looking the other way West. Wake up! Thunderstorms and drop in temperature: the change in the weather PCP Thunderstorms and drop in temperature comes: Now the change in the weather
