In one of the worst of the Corona-crisis-hit country, England, should, according to the Plan of the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, the elementary schools, at least in part, from the 1. June re-open. The visit, however, remains for the time being, voluntary.

Still, many worry that the school will have openings in negative consequences. As the “star” reported to have expressed, several teachers ‘ associations in the country already have their doubts about the decision.

column of the teacher of Jan-Martin Klinge Digital school: 3 pitfalls that I

want to warn Open letter to parents

Also the Director of a primary school in Sheerness, in the South of the country, Howard Fisher, shares these concerns. For this reason, he turned with a letter to the parents and legal guardian of his pupils, in which he explains the risks and dangers of current school attendance.

He argues that in schools, the impossibility of Social-Distancing measures and to maintain, because you would always have contact with each other. “Social Distancing does not exist in schools, and would never be able to exist,” said Fisher. The risk could be minimized, but, nevertheless, a residual risk is still present.


For Fisher, this risk is too high, because the discussion to the lives of children. “There is only the possibility that everything will be ok’; this is all we have at the Moment and ‘ok’ is not good enough when it comes to such valuable gifts as our children.”

of Course, he understand that both children and staff to resume operations, and that many are wondering how long the Situation is still further to go and can. However, he rates his year-long experience in the school system, the parents, in good conscience, to send their children to school.

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food for thought for parents

for this reason, he sees it as his duty to inform the parents with his letter and his concerns to be disclosed. Fisher “it would be better that each child has repeated a school year, as we go back to early and lose a child,” he writes to the parents and hopes that others share this opinion, or that it will encourage you at least to Think.

a virologist Kekulé looks with concern on Corona-the situation in Germany: “you have to say so harshly,” FOCUS Online/Wochit virologist Kekulé looks with concern on Corona-the situation in Germany: “you have to say so brutally”
