This time, he put his threats in execution. After several times threatened to break off security cooperation with Israel before turning back, Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the palestinian Authority (PA), has joined the gesture to the word. in “Following the decision of the leadership of the palestinian decision on the 19th may, our security organisations have stopped this Thursday in all their relations with Israel, including exchange of information and communications,” says a palestinian source after a meeting held Friday between the palestinian Prime minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, and the security apparatus of the palestinian. “Our security apparatus will continue to fulfill its mission of maintaining security in our territories for the palestinian people and to protect our institutions. “

according To the israeli newspaper Haaretz, certain israeli security forces have already begun withdrawing from areas A (under the administrative control and safe palestinian) and B (under the administrative control of the palestinian but safe israel), where they had been placed in the framework of the common struggle against the epidemic of coronavirus. In addition, Saeb Erekat, the chief palestinian negotiator, announced on Thursday that the PA had been notified by the CIA of the end of the security coordination with Israel, but also with the United States.

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“existential Threat” to the Palestinians

The palestinian decision appears as a response to the willingness of the new israeli government, which was sworn in on Sunday, annexing the west bank settlements, as well as the valley of the Jordan, from the 1st of July next. Promised to his electorate by Benyamin Netanyahu, re-elected to his position in favor of a coalition agreement with the former chief of staff of the armed forces, Benny Gantz, the israeli annexation of about 30 % of the west bank is part of the continuity of the “peace plan” by Donald Trump on the middle East. Announced at the end of January, this document concocted by Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and adviser to the us president, has opened the way to this unilateral decision, contenting themselves with promising medium-term to a vague palestinian State ” demilitarised “, including security and the airspace would be provided by Israel.

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” The annexation by Israel of any part of the west bank is an existential threat to the national project palestine and the end of the two-state solution “, denounced on Thursday the palestinian Prime minister Mohammad Shtayyeh from the official news agency Wafa. “Israel has violated international law, as well as all agreements signed with us,” he added, concluding, therefore, that the Palestinians were ” no longer bound by these agreements “.

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very efficient Cooperation

Signed in 1993 between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Oslo agreements have designated a palestinian government provisional – the palestinian Authority – the renunciation of armed struggle against Israel, and who was believed to become five years later a real executive at the head of a palestinian State. In this context, there was a cooperation especially effective between israeli army and palestinian security forces, concerning the movement of people and goods, and also allowing for exchange of information.

“At the start, under Yasser Arafat, it was more of a pyramid scheme with a direct access to Israel a dozen heads safe the palestinian people,” explains Xavier Guignard, a researcher specializing in Palestine at the Institute Noria. “Today, it is an on-going collaboration with thousands of officers and sub-officers palestinians who form a network much more difficult to break. “

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This security collaboration has proven to be quite effective. It has allowed to maintain, in the aftermath of the second intifada in 2005, a relative calm in the west bank and to significantly decrease the number of terrorist attacks in Israel, even if the knife attacks have increased in recent years. “The security coordination has led to the arrest all the palestinian activists who wanted to organize politically or to arm themselves and control the factions are already armed, allowing in particular the repression by the palestinian Authority of Hamas in the west bank, explains to the Point Ines Abdel Razek, director of advocacy at the Institute of the palestinian public diplomacy. But it also made it possible to find all of the israeli settlers lost in the zones A and B. ”

continuous use

This cooperation has regularly been criticized by palestinian activists, who accuse the security services of the palestinian Authority to do the work of the occupying power, in contrast to its international obligations. “To a certain extent, the palestinian Authority is the guarantee of the sustainability of the Oslo accords, judge Ines Abdel Razek. This is the guarantee of permanent occupation. “

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If this collaboration has been a success, the gap has widened on the plan policy. The main stumbling block is the pursuit of the israeli colonization in palestinian territory. The number of settlers in the west bank and East Jerusalem, which amounted to 100 000 in 1992, has now reached 600 000, making it already illusory on the ground of any viable palestinian State. However, in relating to the State of Israel for the approximately 130 colonies, just as the valley of the Jordan river (already under control safe israeli, editor’s NOTE), the israeli Prime minister enclaverait the palestinian territories, removing permanently the possibility of any State.

israeli Colonization

” The annexation of areas in the west bank […] would represent a very serious violation of international law and would deal a devastating blow to the two-state solution, stressed Wednesday Nickolay Mladenov, the envoy of the united Nations for the peace process. She would close the door to a resumption of negotiations and could threaten the efforts aimed at advancing regional peace. “In the Face of the urgency of the situation, many european capitals – Paris, Berlin, Rome, Luxembourg and Dublin – have indicated that they are preparing a “joint action” in order to re-launch negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, broken since 2016, and the failure of the plan of the former us secretary of State John Kerry.

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“We expect european countries, including France, who believe in the two-state solution, to immediately recognize the State of Palestine,” said the palestinian source cited above. “If this does not happen, then Israel will be able to put in place its annexation. “In Paris, remind us that this possibility is a” shotgun, a single shot ” which should only be used as a last resort to facilitate a process. Moreover, the divisions within Europe between France, Germany, Italy and Spain on the one side, and Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic of the other – as well as the rejection by Israel of any internationalisation of the crisis leave little room for optimism.


The president of the palestinian Authority, who had staked his entire strategy on the appeal before the international bodies, are all the more weakened. Already discredited among a significant portion of its population, exposing its impotence in the face of the israeli occupation that his authoritarianism was growing and the corruption of his entourage, the old rais the age of 85, in power without interruption since sixteen years (there has been no general election of 2006, editor’s NOTE), had more than two levers to put pressure on Israel : stop the security cooperation and the end of the recognition of the jewish State. It comes to use the first.

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But this is going to-any palestinian left many experts skeptical, as the survival of the palestinian Authority – and its leaders – actually depends on the good will of the State of Israel. “If it is really executed, the end of the security collaboration would be considered a casus belli for the jewish State, which has the face of an army of potential responses : the closure of the borders to the arrest of palestinian leaders, highlights the researcher Xavier Guignard. The problem is that the palestinian Authority has so cried wolf about stopping the security coordination it is no longer taken seriously. “