After weeks of Corona-uncertainty open in a number of länder, the free bathrooms. But what visitors can expect here?

Especially for families is a visit to the pool is likely to be in the summer is a relief. The spontaneous visit is not in many places be possible. Otherwise, a number of conditions apply.

schedule rule only with the distance, visits only with advance notification and queues in front of the pool: Many pools to start in the shadow of the Corona pandemic in the summer season*. In Saxony, the baths may since the 15th century. May the gates, in North Rhine-Westphalia open since Wednesday (20. May).

Other States following suit in the coming weeks, Hessen want to open the bathrooms, at least for clubs again. Bavaria or Baden-Württemberg still want to wait and see. the However, as the new everyday between Fries, is a lawn for sunbathing and a diving tower?

swimming pool visits to the Corona-summer: Online-bookings and time-window

Especially on hot summer days, many yearn for the jump into the cool Wet. But this summer will not be the quick Swim after work anywhere without restriction, such as Christian Ochsenbauer, managing Director of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für das Badewesen (DGfB), explains. In order to channel the stream of visitors, want to offer a lot of baths time cards . So for example, in the premises of the “Cologne bath”, where customers with E-Tickets will be admitted. “Spontaneous visits are not planned,” says a spokesperson Franziska Graal man. With the Online registration, the bathrooms were also at the same time your obligation to provide proof. Also in Berlin, where the first baths for 25. May want to open, is planned in such a concept.

read openly here : campsites: These things you should consider when camping holiday in Germany.

swimming pool visits: distance, distance, distance

Whether on the lawn, in a line at the diving tower or in the Pool: a distance of the order of the day. In Cologne or Düsseldorf, marks are placed on the ground, in some of the swimming pools, the to cars swimming is only allowed in one direction beschwommen . The approximately 1,50 meters long swimming pool noodles are used as a spacer. The DGfB is recommended to limit the number of people in the pool. “It can then happen that the people have to stand in a queue in front of the pool,” says ox farmer. Also on the lawns of the well-known distance and contact commandments apply.

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New tasks for lifeguards in swimming pools

As the visitor with the new rules , deal no one can predict. Operators such as “Cologne bath” and put on the reason of your clientele. “We hope that the other things have already been learned,” said Graal man. Nevertheless, the staff are encouraged to check the clearance rules and to admonish, if necessary. Who doesn’t want to keep Mat in mind, you must leave the bathroom. In the meadows also Security to ensure forces, not to larger groups. New tasks of the lifeguard. DGfB, managing Director of ox, Bauer suggests that you count the number of bathers and the pool, where appropriate, to lock.

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What to make of the Coronavirus to the end

to ensure the rules of The distance that the Coronavirus is spread through the air. In addition, the following applies: Disinfect what is going on! Sanitary facilities should be cleaned more often, in Berlin, locker rooms and shower rooms will remain closed completely. Some of the bathrooms also plan every few hours having to stop the operation, and a basic cleaning , as oxen, Bauer reported. Worry that the Virus spread via the water, by the way, no one: According to the Federal office for the environment Filtration and disinfection in conventional swimming pool water to ensure that viruses are reliably inactivated.

A piece of normality – even in outdoor pools

Despite the Corona sign try many operator to restore something like normality . In most baths the Little ones can romp paddling pool in the children, told oxen farmer. Also the obligatory outdoor swimming pool-French fries, nothing usually stands in the way, the restaurant is widely open. And in compliance with the spacing rules are also attractions such as diving boards and Slides for the visitors should be accessible. In addition to safety and Hygiene, it namely also one other thing, says Ochsenbauer: “quality of life”.

interesting : A whole year in the cool Wet: This is Germany’s 365 most popular outdoor pools.


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