Only six days, could be considered the Lagerfeld exhibition in Moritzburg, then had to be closed due to the Coronavirus. Now, the Museum re-opens. However, a tour is now also available online.

Halle (dpa) – The corona-induced closure of nearly ten weeks has driven the digitization of the art Museum Moritzburg in Halle a lot of progress. The Moritz open castle this Thursday (21. May) again for visitors during the closure, however, was, among other things, a digital tour through the Museum worked.

This is for Sunday on the website of the Moritzburg as the Director of the Museum, Thomas Bauer, explained Friedrich. You have made in the area of digitisation, a jump from 0 to 300. Every day, Videos, blog posts or other publications are created.

of Course, but was also articulated interest in a personal visit to the Moritzburg. This is soon possible. With the Opening on Thursday the exhibition “Karl Lagerfeld also can again. Photography. The retrospective” will be considered. The large photo exhibition with works of the 2019 deceased fashion designer was not to see once a week – then the closure came. In the exhibition, among other things, approximately 400 photographs are on display in large format.

in Addition, another Lagerfeld-work is not accessible, which was a part of the exhibition. On a 18-Meter-long wall in the basement, contemporary photography that deals with ancient mythology, equivalents of medieval art, the Christian mythology is addressed. In addition, two smaller exhibitions, the artists are able to see Dorothea Prühl and Hannah Schneider.

Due to the Corona-pandemic hygiene rules apply, however. So, for example, and in the afternoon two time slots for visitors are provided, in which each 180 interested could view the exhibitions. For some time the window had already been sold to more than 100 cards, said Bauer-Friedrich.

Between the time Windows of the Museum for an hour is closed and cleaned. Count, for example, that handrails are disinfected. In addition, a mouth-nose cover duty, and the name and address of the visitors, would have to be deposited, so that the possible chains of Infection can be traced. Tickets should be purchased if possible online.

Virtual tour