The Corona of a pandemic through more visible on the economy in Rhineland-Palatinate. The revenues of the industry have shrunk From in March, and imports plummeted. And after to the bishopric of Mainz, Speyer imposed now of a budget freeze. The topics of the day in the state of at a Glance:

INDUSTRY sales in The Rhineland-Palatinate industry declined due to the Corona-crisis in March. According to the data of the state Statistical office, sales revenues were 7.9 billion Euro. The 7.4 percent less than in the previous year, as the authority announced on Friday in Bad Ems more. Thus, Rheinland-average-Palatinate to the Federal government. In Germany, sales in the industry fell in March to 7.7 percent.

the budget lock – Due to the economic impact of the Corona-crisis has to lock the bishopric of Speyer is a budget as well as a bundle of measures to contain spending, decided. “We expect a noticeable decline of the Church tax as a result of the Corona-crisis,” said vicar General Andreas storm on the Friday of a notice published according to. The revenue shortfalls that have been observed due to the demographic development and the Church exits for quite some time, would be exacerbated by the fact.

foreign trade – The global Corona-crisis presses firmly on the Rhineland-Palatinate, foreign trade. According to preliminary data of the Statistical office in Bad Ems, Germany from Friday, the value of the exports amounted in March to 4.34 billion euros. The were 9.4 per cent less than in March 2019. Imports plummeted with a decline of 13 per cent even more pronounced: a value of 3.12 billion euros were imported in March 2020. Throughout the first quarter of this year, exports from the Rhineland-Palatinate decreased compared to the prior year period by 7 percent to 13.2 billion euros. Imports fell by 10 percent to 9.5 billion euros.

scan is in progress – The Mainz police officers, who have celebrated in an old town pub for longer than allowed and without the in the Corona-pandemic required distance, threatening a fine of a few hundred Euro. Will also examined whether against you in a disciplinary action would be taken, said order of head of the Department of Manuela Matz (CDU) on Friday. The host must adjust to a fine in the amount of several Thousand euros. Currently being investigated, whether and to what extent he hygiene measures, as well as against entry and documentation duties had failed.

SCHOOL – After more than two months, Corona-back forced break to return on next Monday up to 107 000 children and young people in Rhineland-Palatinate, in the familiar daily life. Thus, the step-by-step then, since the beginning of the ways of Opening the schools on 27. April ends a little more than half of the pupils at General schools in the weeks – to-phase manner in the presence of their lessons – most of the time, alternating with “Home Schooling”, i.e. the teaching, especially with digital media.

FOOTBALL – The first football League home game of Mainz 05 without an audience is not attributed to the police on Saturday with Fanaufläufen in front of the stadium. “We keep the but in mind and look at the exactly,” said the Mainz police spokesman Rinaldo Roberto on Friday. It is possible that some of the Fans looked anywhere else football together. In compliance with the spacing and Assembly rules in Corona, times taken will.

NEW FIGURES In Rhineland-Palatinate, addition of Thursday to Friday, 14 identified Corona-infections. Thus, 6576 confirmed cases of people with the causative agent of Sars will be counted in the state of well-CoV-2, such as the Ministry of health in Mainz announced on Friday. The number of deaths on the state 10.00 increased by 2 at 226. Currently as infected 381 people, therefore, apply, and 5969, are recovered. The majority of deaths in the city of Mainz comes with 26, behind the circle of Mainz-Bingen is a 24.

TESTS – “the scene of the crime”-actress Lisa Bitter for Corona Tests before filming made strong. “I very much hope, that you can test before a shoot, so the actors know whether they are infected or not,” said the actress to the city’s TV Commissioner, Johanna, a star of the “New osnabrück newspaper”. “What’s going on with footballers, it should be with actors possible.” The people need entertainment, TV, and also the “scene of the crime,” she said. “Because we need to replace them and can not just go for a walk.”
