” The mission, SpaceX Crew Dragon, Nasa has the green light for the launch. “Nasa said Friday it has given its consent to the launch for next Wednesday, two american astronauts aboard a rocket SpaceX, which will be the first manned flight of the united states since 2011. Senior officials from the us space agency and of the company Elon Musk had taken place since Thursday at the Kennedy space center, Florida, to check that everything was ready and safe for the mission.

Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley will take off on 27 may at 16: 33 (20: 33 GMT) aboard a capsule Crew Dragon, in the direction of the international space Station (ISS), where they amarreront the next day. This will be the first manned mission 100 % american from the shutdown of the space shuttle in 2011 after 30 years of service. Since then, only the Russians had a means of space transportation, and dozens of american astronauts (and other countries) have learned Russian and traveled to the edge of the rocket Soyuz from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, to go to the station, occupied continuously since 2000 by Americans and Russians.

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giving Back to the United States independent access to space

Nasa has since financed the presidency of Barack Obama, SpaceX ($3.1 billion worth of contracts) and separately, Boeing ($4.9 billion) in order to restore the United States independent access to space. The program was initially intended to take over the shuttles in 2015. A period of time that Neil Armstrong, the first man to have walked on the Moon, observed already in 2010, ” demeaning and unacceptable “. Finally, the hole has lasted nearly nine years – on the condition that the flight of SpaceX is going well.

Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken will lead for five years on the capsule Crew Dragon, for state-of-capsules Apollo of the 1960s. Inside, everything is controlled by touch screens. Like Apollo, the Crew Dragon will land on Land. The companies SpaceX and Boeing will each provide six trips of four astronauts to the ISS in the coming years, not to mention the demonstration mission.

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If SpaceX, founded in 2002 by the then millionaire Elon Musk (he is now a billionaire), succeed this mission, dubbed the Demo-2 on the basis of Demo-1, which was held without incident in march 2019 with a dummy on board, she would become the first private company in the history of space have transported astronauts to the ISS.