The Trend towards easing the Anti-Corona measures is strengthened in the whole of Europe. In countries such as Austria, Greece and Spain, the start dates are for the Hotels. Everywhere the travel restrictions and warnings apply, but still. An Overview of the most important measures in the ten most popular vacation countries of the Germans.

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The Greek head of government, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has announced a nine-week easing program. Masks are in all enclosed spaces and public transport from 4. May forced to be. If you didn’t, you must pay 150 euros.

The easing phase is similar to that of Germany. First of all, be on 4. May, hair salons, electrical shops, and bookstores re-open. The citizens will be able to go from Monday to without any restrictions from the house. Travel outside of the respective Prefecture (equivalent to approximately to a County in Germany) but are not allowed for the time being. Also travelling from the mainland to the Islands is not for the time being permitted.

In June to gradually open the Hotels again. The biggest Problem of tourism from abroad remains. So far, it is unclear when the flights within Europe re-start.

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The Alpine Republic is the easing measures ahead of its time. Output restrictions no longer exist since Friday. 2. May not open all the shops and almost all the service providers such as hairdressers again. 15. In may, the Restaurants, the Hotels follow. The hygiene rules such as minimum distance of one Meter, and Wearing mouth-nose protection in shops and public transportation shall continue to apply.

Austria hopes that the high summer tourism, with countries such as Germany can start. The fate of many businesses depends on the desire to travel, especially the German and low countries. Important Viennese museums are open, however, earlier than planned. After the Belvedere, among others, the Kunsthistorisches Museum (KHM) will allow to Pentecost again visitors. As a special gesture, has decided the KHM for a “pay-as-you-wish”model for June, and every visitor determines the price of admission itself.

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After Italy, you may travel only with a valid reason. Tourism is not possible. Hotels are closed since the beginning of March. When you open the door, again, is totally unclear.

4. May be made the first Mini-steps in the direction of freedom, then the people allowed to go out for a Walk. Tourism is one of the largest business sectors in Italy, the more desperate the people who work in the industry. Venice’s mayor Luigi Brugnaro called least, everyone who could move back, please come immediately to Venice.

Many are focusing on domestic tourism. Hoteliers or the beach owners think of everything Possible to be able to “social distance” on the sea or by the Pool guarantee: Plexiglas partitions on different “layers” – i.e., a limited number of people, each with different times – to the sea up to a distance of controls on the beach or floating sun beds in the water.

, Spain

Whether the impact of parties on Mallorca, a city trip to Barcelona or a walk on the way of St. James – for the summer of 2020, these activities remain for foreign holiday-makers is probably wishful thinking. The tourism will probably come before the end of the year, in response, warned the government in Madrid recently.

so Far the limits are and also travel in other regions of the country are even prohibited the Spaniards more, if you have no important reason. Probably from the end of June, at least the Spaniards can forge even expected to be a modest holiday plans. Many Hotels are to be allowed to open in the middle of may – under strict conditions and with a maximum of 30 percent occupancy.

media wrote last, Spain will experience this summer, a Revival of the 1950s: Hardly any international guests, no bathing in the Mega-Resort, not overcrowded, All-Inclusive, instead, short trips, city trips, Hiking in the mountains and vacation in the country with family and friends.

  • reading tip: What is to be discussed for relaxations in which States, read here.


On the beaches of the French Riviera, sunbathing holidaymakers expected at the earliest in June. The beaches of France, generally up to at least 1. June closed to the Public, announced the head of government of Édouard Philippe on Tuesday at the launch of the easing plans from the 11. May.

Until the end of may, plans to announce the government of France, whether in June, also cafes, Restaurants, and Bars can open. A clear message for Hotels and Camping places, there were not first. Smaller museums are to from 11. May be able to receive visitors in large museums, such as the world-famous Louvre Museum in Paris will open their doors well before September.

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the Netherlands

also with German tourists popular Dutch North sea in the province of Zeeland opens its due to Corona closed door a crack: From this Friday to the tourism businesses in the Region must rent 15 percent of their bed capacity to sleep guests. The decision is initially up to the 22. May.

Up to at least 20. May apply the strict Corona-measures. This means, among other things, that Restaurants, cafes and pubs are closed, and the Public, a safety distance of one and a half metres is to be maintained. Many campsites and Bungalow parks are closed or, rent or lease only under special conditions to tourists.


The restrictions in Turkey should initially apply until the end of may. This output block on the weekends for 31 cities and provinces and otherwise, for the chronically Ill, most of the Under-20-Year-olds and senior citizens over 65. In addition, among other things, schools and universities, Bars and cafes remain closed.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced a soon-to-be roadmap for the return to normality. From the end of may, at least in the semi-state airline, Turkish Airlines is to fly again. Turkey depends to the rescue of their ailing economy from tourism. The health Minister stressed since a few days, the worst is over and that the number of victims reduce steadily.

of Egypt

Here have been eased, the measures to contain the Coronavirus part of something. Thus, since the end of March of applicable nightly output was shortened barrier: people need to stay in the North African country, now daily, between 21 and 6 o’clock in the morning, home, shops must close as of 17 PM.

Restaurants and cafes may provide, in their rooms, but no guests to host. And public beaches and in popular resorts such as Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh are still closed and empty of people. Tourist flights to Egypt are still suspended.


The country is loosening its restrictions, very slowly. It has its controls at the borders with other EU 13 member States up to the. May be maintained – and remains, for the time being for foreigners. Exceptions are made for people with a permanent residence permit, for truck drivers and diplomats car.

The borders to Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Lithuania can only be made on certain Transitions crossed. The government in Warsaw has decided, from 4. To open may Hotels and shopping centers. Restaurants including those in Hotels – but would continue to be closed.


17 per cent of the gross domestic product generated by tourism. The more bitter that, since the 19th century. March no vacation trips are possible. Who can nevertheless, coming from Germany, need to quarantine in a 14-day domestic.

11. May be allowed to open cafes and Restaurants to serve their customers outside. In Croatia, no mask duty, but only a recommendation.

The country puts pressure on the Opening up of the borders for tourists. It is proposed the gradual start-up of tourist facilities: first of all, campsites, private rooms and holiday houses, nautical tourism, such as the rental of sailing boats and yachts. It is observed that the EU-discussion on summer travel, negotiated but also with Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Austria, in order to allow travel between the countries.

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