The consumer reports various attempts at fraud in connection with the payment service PayPal. In different variants, is trying to get back to the personal access data of the customer. The authors of the E-Mails prior to give most of the time, customers want to update their data.

However, the given reasons vary. The scammers claim in an example: “Because of the current incidents regarding Covid-19, the cost for the operation of our Service enormously. In order to remain in business, we are forced to delete unused customer data. […] By the re-Deposit your customers will be noted the account in our System as still active, and will be taken into account during the deletion process.“ Then, the customer should click on a Link “Continue to PayPal”.

Screenshot example of a Scam E-Mail currently in circulation.

this is not The approach of PayPal – what is the receiver now

can not do Apart from the spelling errors in the message, the content corresponds to the procedure of payment services such as PayPal.

tip: you can Ignore these messages and move them to the SPAM folder. In fact, measures in to your PayPal should be account necessary, you should always log in to your account and make Changes there.

the security discipline of the German – dwindling confidence in policy FOCUS Online/Wochit security discipline of the German – dwindling confidence in policy crumbles crumbles
