In the case of a restaurant visit in the district of Leer, in lower Saxony, have become infected, apparently, seven people with the Coronavirus. “The infections are probably in connection with a visit to a Local” informed the district on Friday. These new cases would have led to that already in place for a minimum of 50 people “as a precautionary measure, home quarantine” had been arranged. Further test results are yet to come.

If confirmed, this would be the first known case of Restaurants spread Corona-infections since the re-opening of the restaurants and cafes. The Hotel and restaurant Association Dehoga is reacted with dismay to the case. NDR 1 lower Saxony had initially reported on the Corona onset in the district of Leer.

The seven positive findings, inter-connected, had been communicated to the health office from Tuesday to Friday, shared with the district. In the district of Leer had been previously reported more than a week, no confirmed infection is reported. According to NDR 1 lower Saxony was still unclear whether the visitors or the staff had not kept to the rules.

According to the health Department, it is not an isolated case with just a few contacts. “It is a outbreak with at the same time more Infected, and many contacts.” Time-consuming, the tracking was now. The seven positive findings, inter-connected, had been communicated to the health office from Tuesday to Friday.

The district administrator of Leer, Matthias Groote, has warned the citizens of the County that: “This outbreak is upon us: the Corona is not over, the Virus can spread at any time.” In on the Twitter side of the district have released a Video Groote said the number of quarantine cases will continue to “rise greatly”, as in the current cases “, in the framework arose from a meeting”.

The Hotel and restaurant Association Dehoga is reacted with dismay to the case. Through the Hygiene and distance concept, I developed the Association, were new infections in Restaurants is actually not possible, quoted NDR 1 lower Saxony, a spokeswoman.

lower Saxony was one of the first Federal States, where Restaurants were allowed to re – open since 11. May. In the days that followed, almost all of the other Federal States followed one after the other. Exceptions are made for Bavaria, where for the time being, only beer and outdoor areas open spaces may gardens, indoor 25. May. Federal pioneer-Western Pomerania the state of Mecklenburg, where the Restaurants already on 9. May re-open were allowed.

Some experts had warned of a visit to a restaurant in a closed room. Andreas Podbielski, Director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene at the University medical center of Rostock, the German press Agency said that the guests of the Restaurants if possible, sit outside. “Since it is not practical to infections. The Coronavirus is transmitted mainly through the air.” In contrast, the draught shooter out there. In indoor areas of Restaurants or cafes, it will, however, problematic. Even if there is sufficient exchange of air every six to ten minutes, there is no hundred percent guarantee.

The Dehoga had referred to the Situation of gastronomy and tourism at the beginning of may as “dramatic”. A survey of the premises revealed that a third of the insolvency is threatened – 70 000 of the 220 000 companies.

dpa/Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Central image/ZBbild On a stand in front of a Restaurant in the city centre, there is “Finally back for you!!!”.

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