
  • The Corona-crisis in the Live-Ticker: All News and facts

The Zollernalbkreis is a district in Baden-Württemberg. He forms, together with the district of Reutlingen, and the district of Tübingen, the Neckar-Alb Region in the administrative district of Tübingen.

these are the current Corona-Figures for the district of Zollernalbkreis:

FOCUS Online the latest Figures shows, on the basis of the investigation by the Robert Koch Institute.

The current Numbers from the 23. May:

  • Infected persons: 1185
  • deaths: 73

The Numbers of 22. May:

  • Infected persons: 1179
  • deaths: 72

The daily updated map of Germany by the Robert-Koch Institute also shows at the County level, where the Coronavirus is widespread. The dark blue a County is colored, the more Covid-19 Patients per 100,000 inhabitants there are.

The current Figures for Germany

  • Confirmed Covid-19-cases: 179.710
  • deaths: 8228
  • Convalescent: 159.064

source: Johns-Hopkins-University


  • 10 counties in which the Corona is at its raging worst and 10, the are hardly affected
  • Large Corona-Radar: Interactive graphics, Figures, facts and extent of the pandemic

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