is A popular walk in the Inninger District of Bachern for kids scooter or Bicycle, and for mothers with strollers are difficult to passable. That’s about to change.

Bachem – Marita Seefeld is quite new in the business of local politics. The new Inninger municipal Councilor from Bachem represents the Greens in the Committee, where they einrannte in the first session of this parliamentary term, with a suggestion of open doors. It’s going to be a walk in their home village, which is mainly used by children and families, if you want to the bus stop or at the Wörthsee. A nice way, but with pitfalls. The stairs are kicking out and tripping hazards. With the stroller, or scooter’s bike’properly sporty. Since it is still safer than the downhill Alternative to wall street, the troubles of children and parents, but still. Her Curse was to listen to the neighbors.

Marita Seefeld has lived for 23 years with her family in the secluded Inninger District that is also close to Wörthsee for families becoming more and more popular. “We now have quite a lot of children here,” white the Bachernerin. About 40, appreciates you. A mother of four children is linked Seefeld’s well aware of the Concerns of their neighbors, and you can well understand. Together with mayor Walter lead Maier, the 55 looked-Year-old, the Situation on-site. This was not only sporty with its new E-Bike in the District Cycling, but also had a meter stick in the pocket, because he is long enough in the town Council and mayor, to know which paths can be paved and which are not. The request of the Bacherner it would be to eliminate the steps. This five – Meter-long section of the connection path between pike and wall street is too steep.

“Without levels s is not going to go,'” said lead Maier, after he had measured, that the slope is more than six percent. The implementation is written in publicly dedicated Trails such as this festival. Together, they wondered if it could be a solution. “In any case, we need to do something,” said lead Maier, in view of the worn steps. And lighting it just as necessary as Marita Seefeld. Also your third point, a shelter at the bus stop at the end of the path, he held for useful. Yet school children are especially in the rain.

lead-Maier wants to get together with his employees in the building Department thought about a solution. Too expensive, you may not be, because the municipality Inning to save. By means of the Corona crisis, the mayor is expecting Revenue shortfalls in the amount of two million euros. Since the budget of the municipality of Inning is traditionally adopted in the current year, lead Maier located this heuer even. Unlike other municipalities, it must prepare, as there was no supplementary budget.