The government has decided to let go of a little ballast. In full bridge of the Ascension, it has allowed, this Saturday, may 23rd, the return of the faithful in places of worship to attend religious ceremonies, so that the State Council had ordered a lifting of the total ban on meeting for worship in the beginning of the week. The catholic bishops had deemed the ban discriminatory, so that shops could open their doors. Parish priests, pastors, rabbis and imams will have to ensure that the faithful adhere to the distancing physical, wear a mask and disinfect hands. At the entrance of each place of worship, a person will need to regulate the flow.

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74 deaths

Nearly two weeks after the beginning of the déconfinement, the epidemic seems to be continuing its slow ebb. Friday, may 22, 1 701 patients were in the icu, 44 least 24 hours. An important indicator of the downward pressure on the hospital system. In addition, public Health France has recorded 17 944 deaths in hospitals (+ 74 since Thursday), bringing the total since the 1st of march (retirement homes included) to 28 289. However, due to the long weekend of the Ascension, the data concerning the long-term care facilities will only be updated Monday.

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The authorities consider that it is too early to draw conclusions, but some scientists do not hesitate to say that the epidemic of Covid-19 is behind us, with the possibility that a part of the population is immune. Among them, the controversial Pr Didier Raoult, but also the epidemiologist Laurent Toubiana, who believes that the epidemic has affected all those she could touch. “A non-negligible part of the population may not be sensitive to the coronavirus, because of the antibodies non-specific to the virus can stop it,” he explained to Agence France-Presse.

“The epidemic is not complete”

” It is on the decrease, there has been a drop in calls “, but ” the epidemic is not over and it will continue a little bit. It is necessary to keep the habits of the barrier health, ” said on Europe 1 with Patrick Pelloux, president of the Association of emergency physicians of France. He called on the French to exercise “citizenship” by continuing to wear the mask, ” where it is necessary “.

The hydroxychloroquine, a remedy advocated and promoted by the Pr Raoult, is increasingly on the hot seat : the minister of Health Olivier Veran has called Saturday the High Council of public health to offer “in 48 hours a review of the overriding rules of limitation” of various treatments such as hydroxychloroquine (the use of which in France is already very restricted). This comes after a study pointing to the inefficiency and risk to patients Covid-19 of this molecule is controversial.

Read also Coronavirus : Didier Raoult, a professor rebel

It is in this context still uncertain but tinged with optimism that the French spend a long weekend, with calls to respect the rules : do not move away of more than 100 kilometres from home, restricted access to recreation, the maintenance of gestures barriers, the port of the mask. If the beaches and bodies of water have re-opened, it is most often without permission to sit, or make sand castles, and even less to lie down. In Paris, parks and gardens remain closed despite repeated requests from the mayor, socialist Anne Hidalgo.

The installation of the municipal councils

in addition, the executive announced that the second round of the municipal would take place on 28 June in the 5,000 municipalities where it is required, even if the decision is reversible. In the 30 000 communes where a single turn took the march 15, the municipal councils came into office this Saturday to elect mayors. Because of the health crisis, it took two months to put in place the new teams. The minister of the Action and of the public Accounts Gérald Darmanin was elected Saturday, the mayor of Tourcoing (North). It intends to combine its municipal functions and departmental.

Read also EXCLUSIVE. Municipal : the dinner of the Élysée, which has sealed the fate of the second-round

Among the sectors that have suffered the health crisis, the edition is mobilizing. A collective of more than 600 publishers, authors and booksellers, has published on Saturday a forum addressed to the head of the State to act to “save” the book trade, at a time when the government said it is working to a ” plan of support “. In a letter sent to the government, several associations of unemployed and precarious, as well as trade unions, have called for a ” year in white “, that is to say, the extension for one year of all of the rights of the unemployed and that there is no radiation, in order to avoid ” a public health disaster and social “.

writing will advise you

FOG – ” let’s roll up our sleeves ! “(as was once said CGT) Déconfinement and gestures barriers : what you should know