all of a Sudden comes for the running Shoe chain “Runners Point” the. The outrage of the policy is large, the alleged reasons for withdrawal are, according to one economist on Hand.

For more than 35 years, Runners sold the “Point” running shoes and sports clothing. Now all the stores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland will be closed at the behest of the parent company Foot Locker. One Economist assumed a classic reason for the closing. Anyway, the world economy is in turmoil: the UN and the EU Commission described the Corona-follow last in drastic words.

Update from 23. May, 16.15 PM: The closing plans of the chain Runners Point had become known at the beginning of the week. The mother of Foot Locker cited no specific reasons for the decision, said in regard to the German market from a previous “review of our business and the competitive landscape over the period of the past twelve months”.

When it comes to trade expert Thomas Roeb (University of applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg), except Runners Point, because of strong Online competition was not profitable enough and therefore now sorted out. “There is not the demand for Service in the branches, to the extent that they led to, that this Service would be the people something of value and you have to pay more.” The economist, according to, must have wobbled the business of Runners Point long before the Corona-crisis*.

+ for all the branches: “Runners Point” closes its doors.©dpa / Jens Wolf

Runners Point belonged many years to the KarstadtQuelle-group . In 2013, the company was taken over by the US company Foot Locker.

footwear chain Runners Point must close branches – CDU-politician lacks understanding

origin of article:

Munich – For many sports “Runners Point” the first point of contact is enthusiastic. The company offers running shoes, and functional clothing for various world brands, among more than keeps the 80 branches all over Germany as well as in Austria and Switzerland . However, all of these stores are soon to close – forever. The U.S. group announced a “Foot Locker” , which founded in 1984, the running Shoe chain for seven years, officially.

From the closures should have at least 700 employees will be affected . This number is a lawyer Jürgen Graser, representing in Recklinghausen two “Runners Point”works councils and called. According to the “WDR”-information should be negotiated with the management of the company on a “the possible continuation of the business operations” . The hope could be the Corona, the aid package* to be the Federal government.

“Runners Point” includes: “Behind the fates of the families”

stand In the city in the Ruhr area, the Headquarters sits with 170 employees. “This is for our city, unfortunately, is a real slap in the counting house “, – quotes The West of reckling Hausen’s mayor Christoph Tesche: “Behind the destinies of families . Such messages are always bitter, in the Corona-crisis* but only right at the wrong time.“ The CDU politician called for “a strategic decision by the company Foot Locker (…) not understanding “. The Portal, according to 1500 people fear, even to their Jobs.

A date for the closures is not yet known. Lawyer Graser said, however: “We expect with regard to the Stores, the activity is set as soon as possible will.” The background of this decision lie in the dark, “Foot Locker” spoke only of a previous “ evaluation of our business and the competitive landscape in Germany over the period of the past twelve months”.

+ for all the branches: “Runners Point” closes its doors.©dpa / Axel Heimken

“Runners Point”: the employees only a few days earlier

Accordingly, the employees were informed last Friday about the step. More informed “Foot Locker”: “it is Now in the dialogue with the social partners about a balance of interests.” Until an agreement is reached, the branches would remain open.

Of the closures, not the brands are affected, according to the company, “Foot Locker” and “Sidestep” . The latter would in the future be of the Foot-Locker-Europe-Headquarters in the Netherlands directed. In the 77 “Sidestep”-stores in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands will be offered in addition to shoes, clothes and so on.

a Department store giant to disappear from many German cities – will be saved, among other things, to travel agencies. In the Corona-crisis, the Bayern LB reported a loss in the three-digit million range and slipped in the Red.

hit Hard by the Corona, with the crisis in the automotive industry VW production, therefore, once again, down. Because of the Oil price fall also Shell slid into the Red Numbers – add to this a bearing problem.

For powerful vortex provides an advertising spot, the VW spread in the Internet in the result, there is a barrage of racism allegations.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

mg dpa

section list image:©dpa / Jens Wolf