As the summer holidays in the Corona will look like year, is still more than uncertain. However, for many customers, the holiday dream has burst now. You should get the money for a trip back, if you want to. The travel industry is groaning.

Berlin (dpa) – anyone Who can’t compete because of the Corona-crisis package, to be able to demand his money back. A first of the Federal government’s proposed voucher solution is to give it only as a voluntary option for consumers. This was decided by the German Cabinet in Berlin on Wednesday.

Federal Minister of justice, Christine Lambrecht (SPD) appealed to those Affected to accept a voucher: “those Who opt for a voucher also makes a significant contribution to maintain the diversity of the offers and services in the travel sector.”

The travel Association DRV said it is a “pseudo-solution”, which did not solve the problems of the industry. Coupons the low acceptance. “Tour operators must therefore refund the majority of your customers money back – the money is simply not available,” said DRV President Norbert Fiebig. There is a volume of six billion euros. “The cancellations are pulling away to the travel agents to the soil under the feet.” Fiebig is the demand of the industry for government support reaffirmed.

the Greens in the Bundestag calling for support for the travel industry. “We need a rescue Fund for all the economic and law of the tourism forms, we need to have a clients’ money to hedge funds. We also need higher emergency aid, even for Solo-self-employed, as well as a monthly fee,” said the spokesman for tourism policy, Markus Tressel, as well as the spokesperson for consumer protection, Tabea Rössner. “The Travel industry is financially on the brink.”

the Deputy Chairman of The Union group, Thorsten Frei (CDU), said that bankruptcies would be avoided to the extent possible. “Therefore, the Federal Cabinet has today decided that the Federal government and the coalition want to communicate the groups until June to enable support for the tour operators and the travel agencies.”

The original Berlin plans were failed due to the opposition of the EU Commission in Brussels, because the European travel law provides for such cases a claim for refund. With a mandatory coupon-solution wanted to protect the government, tour operators and travel agencies against insolvency.

In front of the 8. March 2020 the booked package tours, which did not take place due to the Corona pandemic, should a tour operator, customers can instead of the refund vouchers for future travel. The coupons are secured according to the Federal government over the previous insurance and, if necessary, in addition, through a state guarantee on the complete value of this guarantee would also be effective if a provider goes into insolvency. A voucher is not redeemed until the end of 2021, will be paid the money. Travellers can reject the offer but also and to the immediate payment of the money, there are.

The Federal Ministry of justice will formulate the Details in a bill. In addition, the government in the travel industry seeks to enable the use of existing utilities, announced Lambrecht.